[color=9e0b0f][b]EMIYA[/b][/color] The circle grew brighter and brighter, glowing a deep shade of red, before materializing a tall man in a final explosion of smoke. He was tall, wearing a garment of red over his black underclothes. EMIYA, summoned as Archer, took in a deep breath as he opened his eyes. What knowledge granted to him spoke volumes of why he was summoned. Certainly troubling, but he was still summoned to act as the summoner's sword. Nothing new for him. The summoner stood before him looking rather apprehensive. A smirk appeared on his face as he took in the visage of what would be the Master. A fetching young girl, just barely reaching towards adulthood. Certainly not the worst he could imagine, but certainly not the best either. But looks can be deceiving, as he himself knew, so perhaps there was something else to her that escaped his eyes. Then again, things often looked like how they were. EMIYA did not speak, simply waiting for the summoner to act first, fixing his unwavering gaze upon her. What sort of content would the unpromising cover reveal? [@chukklehed] [hr][color=6ecff6][b]Dr. Jekyll[/b][/color] As the circle glowed brightly, smoke swirled around it, with darker and more malicious looking wisps roiling underneath, before dissipating completely to reveal a young bespectacled man dressed in a fancy white dress shirt under an olive green vest. He wore a pleasant expression with a soft smile as he looked towards his summoner. [color=6ecff6]"Good-" [/color]Jekyll looked around for a moment, hoping for a hint of the time. [color=6ecff6]"-morning. I assume you are my Master?"[/color] It would seem that he was summoned for the express purpose of solving singularities with his master, who he was assuming to be the man in front of him for now. The man seemed normal, with barely anything that really stood out, save for the fact he had summoned a Heroic Spirit. Perhaps he could be a powerful mage in his own right, being able to wield magic as he willed and could concoct any sort of potion he desired. Or he could just be an average mage who learned how to just learned summon him. Either way, Jekyll would serve him to the best of his abilities. He was summoned for that very purpose after all, and there wasn't any real reason for him to refuse. Perhaps Hyde would disagree, but Hyde was hardly anyone he would take advice from. [@Lonewolf685]