[h1]Felix Wade[/h1] The nerve of this girl. Who was she to call HIM unintelligent when he was clearly the only person to know what was going on. If there was one thing Felix despised it was idiots who thought themselves better than everyone else. After all, that wasn't him. He [i]knew[/i] how superior he was. This girl, however, was obviously deluded and couldn't even conjure up a half decent insult let alone a powerful Servant. Not only that, but she seemed to refuse to accept her defeat gracefully and instead opted to behave childishly. Of course, Felix knew when to drop a conversation, and this seemed like exactly that time. So, instead of firing back with his logic, the magus instead simply smirked at the girl and picked up his bag, feeling quite proud of himself. He'd see how haughty she was once he'd used his catalyst. However, before he could leave the buffoon's presence and get to summoning his trump card, A girl by the name of Seyrun interjected herself into the situation, opting to help clean up the mess he'd admittedly caused. Yes, in truth Felix knew that he should probably assist the girls, because in truth it was his temper that'd scattered the clothes on the ground in the first place. He paused, staring at the various undergarments for a moment, before turning his back and making his way towards his circle. Under normal circumstances Felix would have no problem fixing his mistake, but in this case it'd require him to suck up his pride and admit he was wrong to that... slow witted idiot. And, as one may have guessed, there was no way in hell that was going to happen. Still, despite his foul mood, he couldn't help but chuckle at the comments from the younger girl towards the situation. [color=f26522]"Panties guy? Is that my name now? I'd prefer Panties Man actually, sounds like a much better super hero name." [/color]He joked back with his poor attempt at humor. Such comments coming from a child always warmed the stern Magus' heart, as they never failed to bring back memories of his sister. She was his motivation, the main reason why he did what he did. Having a reminder of her definitely helped push him forward. Of course, Felix had opted to [i]ignore[/i] the comment that had come from Seyrun herself. He knew full well how to treat a woman! Just like any other person of course. Shinobu, though, barely classified as a person so as far as he was concerned everything was fine. By the time Felix had unpacked his bag and taken out the metal box containing his catalyst, he could already see a few other had summoned their servants. However, another thing he noted was that there were quite a few females in attendance, a fact that made him smirk. Opening the box, Felix removed what looked like the tusk of a boar and placed it in his summoning circle.[color=f26522] "Nice Servants there fellas, but you haven't seen anything yet."[/color] Felix said aloud to the whole room. [color=f26522]"Oh, and laides, I suggest you shield your eyes."[/color] [b][center][color=f26522]"You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance ―――![/color][/center][/b] With the final words of his chant, Felix's summoning circle grew brighter, and a flash of light caused him to shield his eyes. The man smirked, knowing that his planning and preparations would pay off right now. He knew for a fact he didn't have the strongest Servant; despite his resources there was no way he could obtain such a catalyst. However, in his mind the choice he'd made was the most tactically sound, and in a few moments everyone around would be met with the sight that would prove he was the most eligible to be a Master. [@KoL][@ADamnFiddle]