[center][h1]Scathach[/h1][/center] This was unexpected. Emerging from the bright explosion of light emitted from the amateurish summoning came a figure of elegance, draped in dark purple with long flowing hair. Her red eyes slowly opened, staring directly at the one who had called upon her. Scatach, gatekeeper of the Land of Shadows. This had never happened before, her presence being summoned from the Throne of Heroes. In theory it should have been impossible. Unable to die, she should not have been qualified as a heroic spirit, yet here she was, surrounded by warriors of the past. What had changed? Why was pulled from the Land of Shadows? Even the warrior queen herself could not answer such a question at the present moment, though this didn't mean she was left completely in the dark. Scathach could sense that there was an anomaly created somewhere, allowing for this oddity to occur. Lifting the red spear she grasped in her hand to rest on her shoulder, Scathach lightly smiled. Yes, the warrior who had lived for thousands of years unable to die was thankful for this opportunity. Finally, she'd have a chance to tes her might against many more, though whether they could provide what she yearned for was a different question entirely. After all, Scathach knew better than anyone that she was a heroic spirit with unbelievable talent. Did there exist anyone in history who could put an end to her curse? Well she'd have to find that out at a later date, as for now she was faced with addressing the one who had defied fate itself. [color=bc8dbf]"You have summoned me from my position of Guardian of The Land of Shadows, and for that I thank you. I am Scathach the Warrior Queen. You are the one I shall call Master, and thus the one that has defied the Throne of Heroes, correct?"[/color] With soft but strong eyes, Lancer examined the girl who she stood before her. She was, to be blunt, a child. Inexperienced, clumsy, and rash, Scathach could tell that her summoning was not one done purposefully. This girl still had a lot of work to do before even being called competent, though there was something there. With her keen eyes the Warrior Queen could see a small glimmer of potential within her master that, if tapped into, would make her a Master more than worthy of the title. [color=bc8dbf]"I suspect this will work just fine."[/color] [@GreenGoat] [hr] [h2]Jack The Ripper[/h2] If appearances were any indication, then what had answered the call should not even be considered a Heroic Spirit. Small in stature and childish in expression, Jack's eyes wandered and observed her surrounding curiously. there were so many people, and other people like her. She knew why she was their, but the whole situation still brought a sens eof wonderment to Jack. With very little clothing, the one who represented the class of Assassin appeared like a harmless child who'd gotten lost, though this couldn't be farther from the truth. A killer without hesitation, Jack was a formidable Servant, and one that would serve her Master well. In fact, due to her summoner being who it was, they may as well have won the lottery. The second Jack laid eyes on Ghyslaine, the small girl gazed at her with fascination and admiration. Her Master? Her Mother? Had she finally found who she was looking for? For her entuire life she longed to feel the warmth of where she originated, to feel the love of the one who birthed her. Was this woman her? A smile quickly formed along Assassin's lips, her hand reaching out towards Ghyslaine for a brief moment before being quickly pulled back by the shy girl. For a while, Jack simply stood there, staring into the eyes of her Mother. In truth, the Assassin was at a loss for what she was to do. Like, she'd been granted the knowledge necessary for her purpose, but still. She was just so overwhelmed with happiness that ot was difficult to compose herself. Finally, Jack slipped her two knives into their holsters and spoke. [color=7ea7d8]"We're uh, Jack the Ripper. We'll fight for and kill for you."[/color] It had been decided. This women that stood before her was now her mother. There was nothing that'd stand in the way of her fulfilling her mothers wish. No matter how many she had to kill, no matter who she had to tear to shreds, Jack would make sure her mother was safe, Not only to fulfill Ghyslaine's wish, but her own. [color=7ea7d8]"In turn, you'll take care of us, right Mother?"[/color] [@Raineh Daze]