[center][h1][u]MISFORTUNE ON THE HORIZON[/u][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/uvX201s.png[/img][/center] Location: St. Thomas’ Cemetery, several blocks out of ChinaTown within Lost Haven Time: Around Nightfall [hr] [i][color=A52A2A][b]”Which will you do, I wonder? It has been a pleasure . . . ‘Nemesis’.”[/B][/color] [/i] The words echoed in Racheli’s head. A cold chill froze her body in place as her fingers found purchase within the nearest headstone, her nails gradually dug deeper into the stone the longer she stood there. Her heart seemed to seize in her chest upon realized what Goodfellow knew. Sickness spread through out her along with his wicked grin, his eyes hinted to knowledge best left unknown, before his figure vanished in a hot, fiery light through the arcane doorway. When it snapped shut, she flinched then inhaled sharply. Her breath breaking the still silence as her hurting lungs sucked in breath and her mind shook itself from the experience. Fighting off the cold, clammy sensation, Racheli’s knees waned in their strength as she flipped about, her back pressed to the hard marble. Her legs curl underneath her when her form slump into the ground. Slowly at first then she plopped down full force at the end and raised her hand to her face. Immediately the mask dissolved, bit by bit revealing her shocked expression. The verbal blow, unexpectedly, seemed to have hit its mark and left a twisting, disgusted sensation crawling over her flesh. The virus shortly manifested himself behind her. His casual wear crinkled at the waist as he leaned upon the tombstone his host rested against. His eyes significantly stared at her in deep interest, his hand balled up an arms cushioning his torso comfortably. A sly, knowing smirk plastered on his face. Irritated, Rach snapped her face to glare at him.[color=indianred] “What?”[/color] [b] “Just amused is all. Another person made the very point you refuse to see, so much longer will you actually ignore it?”[/b] Rach was about to reply when an electrical, blue streak darted across the night sky. She just barely caught it with her default eyes before her face scrunched up in confusion, her arm reached up to grasp and pulled herself upright. Mentally, she started to adjust her vision. She flipped to a higher level compared to human and picked out the brief details of some sort of meta chasing something swinging through the buildings. She narrowed on the target then it snapped into place it was Evergreen. Gritting her teeth, dread filled her gut, causing her to shut down the ability. [b] “Might be best to stay out of it.”[/b] Her virus warned. She snapped her eyes into it as she growled in disagreement. [color=indianred] “Like hell I will!”[/color] Without another word, Rach took off into the direction toward Chinatown.