The Torch and Mysterio were doing what they could to get some civilians to the underground bunker beneath the community center. Pushing an armored car full of people, even in neutral, was a bitch if you didn't have super strength. That was when Aegis appeared, and then Fission. The group made it to the community center but there were three soldiers surrounding the perimeter. "SHIT!" Torch exclaimed under his breath, ignoring somewhat what the others who came in late to the party spoke. One of them wore the remains of the armor of the dark hero Thunderclap... "Hopefully they haven't found the bunker, but we need to take down those three guards as quietly as possible so we don't alert anymore. Surprised they haven't noticed us coming down the street..." he continued knocking on the side of the car and asked "you guys in there okay?" "We're in the middle of a war zone, starving, and this kid in here's already pissed his pants twice. How do you THINK we're doing?" the civilian responded. "Either of you two able to take those guards out from a distance?" Torch asked looking at Fission and Aegis. ~KL~