[quote=@Doc Doctor] [@Terminal] Hey, I uhhh... Skimmed over some of the rules when I submitted [i]OPRAH NO![/i], and missed the part that said I had to give you permission to knock my name up next to my story. Can we fix that? Also, might I ask how to activate that Stygian title? [/quote] Sure thing, I'll attach your name to your entry in the victory archives. As for the Stygian Legend title activation, yeah...Do not hold your breath on that one. The trophies that have been handed out thus far work exactly as intended, but the problem is the Contest Mod toolkit is still under development and we cannot actually assign trophies ourselves at this time. Compounding the issue is that Mahz has yet to get around to awarding the appropriate trophies for the last...five or so Labours, I think. Do not get me wrong, you [i][u]will[/u][/i] eventually get the trophy. I just do not know when. It is out of my hands. As for your actual question though - upon earning a trophy, you can head to your profile. Check below your arena statistics and you should see a 'Trophies' tab alongside your posting history and any images you have stored. You can activate your trophy there (once you actually get it). Edit: Added your name to the announcement post as well as the victory archives.