[quote=@Shoryu Magami] Hey, overcompensating people need to overcompensate loudly or no one will notice they're doing it, [i]right[/i]? That being said, I hate idiots who think "trolling" actually requires any level of intelligence. Seriously, these people are a complete waste of space and the ones who actually try to act like intellectuals are even [i]more[/i] laughable. They're neither insightful nor are they funny (you can often tell how smart someone is by their sense of humour, just for the record), and frankly the internet would be better off if the dumbasses all just went and did something productive with their time (wait, they're not intelligent enough to do that... [i]my bad[/i]). [/quote] https://www.reddit.com/r/iamverysmart/ Sense of humor, you say? [quote=@Vilageidiotx] My grandma has been panicking the last couple of days and calling us all Hillary supporters because she can't get anybody to vote for Trump. The most annoying part of the election is when people start getting fucking snappy about who you vote for. [/quote] Old people are really the worst during election season. I fear that, when I grow older, I'll be yelling at my conservative Christian grandson. "YOU NEED TO VOTE FOR VAGISIL. IT'S THE THE BEST CANDIDATE, LOOK, ITS A HERMAPHRODITE AND A CYBORG!" and he'll say "Ugh, granddad, I'm voting for Neo Hitler. He protects my right to subvert the rights of others, splah!"