[@Athinar] [i]The foreman turned around to see who had addressed him. It was a foreigner, lanky and gawking, with thick spectacles and bad teeth. Of course. These types just couldn't keep their noses out of this. Foreman Louie had been commissioned by the board to make this city a place that people could live in again, and naturally some big corporation wanted the zone for another biomechanics factory instead. Well, not on his watch, not as long as the taxpayer's money was fueling his paycheck. The foreman stomped up to the foreigner and stared him hard in the face, hairy fists on his hips. The two were out in the midst of the massive dirt field, in full view of the entire project. Several baseball diamonds could have been drawn out in the arid dirt surrounding them. Plumes of dust rose from a few hundred yards away as the wall of a crumbling apartment was shoved down by a laser bulldozer. Yes, bulldozers with lasers. Why the hell not?[/i] [color=598527]"I know what you're here for, moron, and you can take it and put it right up your asshole. Get the hell off-"[/color] [i]The newcomer interrupted, his voice a wheedling guttural mutter. He sounded almost like Mr. Bean.[/i] [color=9e0039][b]"Oh dear... Are you threatening me?"[/b][/color] [i]The foreman brought both fists up in front of Xil Gil's eyes, knuckles cracking.[/i] [color=598527]"And if I am? I told you to get the hell out of here. Not you, or any of those other cronies will be fucking up my day job."[/color] [i]Xil Gil glanced around, protruding front teeth sucking on his bottom lip. Several workers were watching, most of the rest weren't. This sort of thing had probably occurred more than a few times before. At any rate, they were witnesses. The foreman had just delivered a threat. Surely this meant one could be justified in fearing for their well-being. In the name of self defense, Xil Gil took a sudden, sharp step forwards and embraced the foreman, taking him into a bear hug as if he were an old friend.[/i] [color=598527]"Wha-, get the fuck off me you slimy little faggot! I'll- AAAAAAUUUUUGGGGHHH!! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"[/color] [i]Insults became agonized bellows. Bellows transitioned into high pitched monkey screams. With a curt twist, Xil Gil finished separating the foreman's upper thoracic vertebrae from his lumbar, before efficiently pulling most of the man's spine from his back, ribs and muscles snapping as unstoppably powerful fingers clipped them as easily as pericardial shears.[/i] [color=9e0039][b]"Sorry old horse. You were going to hurt me, weren't you?"[/b][/color]