[h1] [center] [color=ed1c24][b]The Great Dragon Prince! [/b][/color][/center] [/h1] [@wxps350][@Baklava] William didn't offer no return smile to the witch, he cared little for her games. At least for now anyway. The prince watched, though the bright flash momentarily blinded him, his vigil returned when it faded, and he was amused at watching the moon prince over powered. Annoyed at the moon prince's tone as he asked for his assistance. "Call me a coward again and I'll do the witch's job for her." I stared coldly before my prideful side showed over. "This isn't my fight, if you truly are a proper prince, you should be able to handle this on your own." His arms crossed, crimson orbs analyzing the six shadows, a witch, and what appeared to be a monster of a familiar barely visible. Needless to say, he was generally curious. At first he might have decided to help him if he was going to surely die, but after being insulted so, the odds of that decision slimmed. In fact now he would be much for satisfied in watching the witch slaughter the Prince desperate for aid in his own battle. A cocky and cruel smirk formed on his face as he spoke again. [i][color=ed1c24]"If you can't handle the most basic jobs of us princes then you should have just stayed home, or at the very least stick to small-time shadows." [/color][/i]