[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ccff]Nora Kingston[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/3f90e02994a9ad0a2b1f4e2106dbef52/tumblr_inline_mm97q2jlxW1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr]Location: Egyptian Museum[/center][hr][hr]Nora looked up in surprise, seeing the Lady Munn stumble her way over towards her. She fancied that the woman might have gotten her shoes caught on the edge of her trousers, though to be truthful, she hadn't the faintest notion why Vera had the brief lapse in grace. Her sister, Esther, was remarkably clumsy herself, and Nora found no shame to be had in it. It was simply natural for some individuals. The sincerity of Vera's statement startled Nora slightly, though she didn't allow it to show across her features. Her father tended to admonish her for the suggestions of her theories, since he proscribed to the theory that women, if they spent too much of their energy thinking and learning, would lose reproductive capacity. He only begrudgingly allowed Nora to study and learn as she had lost any reproductive ability long ago, before she was even old enough to understand its societal and cultural ramifications. [color=00ccff]"I must apologize in advance, Lady Munn, this is not at all my area of expertise,"[/color] Nora began, bowing her head slightly. [color=00ccff]"I am most familiar with advanced mathematics if I am to be quite honest, but it strikes me as rather strange that we might venture to Bubastis. If these apparitions are the work of a goddess....why, I see no reason her cult would ever expire? It seems logical and fitting to me that some chapter may still exist, perhaps at our present location of Cairo, and that the change of location was a necessity due to some factor beyond me that I am quite certain experts such as yourself are well versed in, such as geological conditions or warfare."[/color] Stopping in her explanation, Nora realized--quite consciously--that it was the most she had spoken in front of this group of people. Certainly, the social climate was quite odd and irregular, but she had retained her decorum to the best of her ability. Rather than blurting her ideas or engaging in provocative activities, she had kept her British sensibility about her. Smiling delicately at the Lady Munn, Nora fully expected to hear that her ideas and notions were wrong. [color=00ccff]"But, if I may beg your pardon, are we operating under the assumption that there may be some clue as to the relocation of the goddess' cult at the ruins?"[/color] She did suppose that such a scenario could prove to be fruitful. While not well versed in archaeology, it made sense to Nora that actions and movement might be found preserved in some shape or fashion. However, she did wish that instead of being asked complex questions about the movement of societies, she was instead asked to evaluate an improper integral, a rather simple and soothing task that calmed Nora down as much as a cup of tea.