[color=ed1c24][b]Victoria Vandive Velosi[/b][/color] She had done what she did in the heat of the moment, never once thinking whether it would have worked, or if it would just explode spectacularly. That it succeeded at all was surprising to say the least, and actually summoning something proper even more so. A woman had appeared, a beautiful woman holding a red spear. Her outfit was kinda erotic now that she was actually taking a proper look. It was highly likely that the Servant she had summoned was a Lancer, due to the spear she carried, though Assassin and Rider was possible as well. [color=a187be]"You have summoned me from my position of Guardian of The Land of Shadows, and for that I thank you. I am Scathach the Warrior Queen. You are the one I shall call Master, and thus the one that has defied the Throne of Heroes, correct?"[/color] Scathach turned her gaze upon Victoria, causing her to blush slightly. [color=8882be]"I suspect this will work just fine."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Yes! I am the one who summoned you. My name is Victoria Vandive Velosi,"[/color] Grinning widely, she extended a hand to Scathach for a handshake, [color=ed1c24]"Nice to meet you! We'll be working together from now on."[/color] The last remark made by her Servant was bugging her a little, but nothing she was worried about. After all, they were going to be partners, fighting together to solve.... something? She forgot what Zelretch said. But more importantly, she managed to summon a Servant. The marking of what seemed to be three triangles intertwined with each other on the back of her hand was proof of that. Would her father finally believe her if she showed it to him? [hr][color=9e0b0f][b]Emiya[/b][/color] A flash of blue caught his eyes for a moment, a familiar face amongst strangers. That girl, once again summoned as Saber. Memories both fond and bitter flooded back in an instant, causing him to close his eyes for a moment. All of it happened in but the space of a second, and he looked back towards his summoner, who had summoned up a smile now. She raised her hand towards him as she started speaking. "My name is Amari Vale, and I am your Master. Please tell me your class." [color=f7976a]"Ah, a pretty straightforward Master I have here."[/color] EMIYA replied with a small laugh. [color=f7976a]"To answer that last question, I would be an Archer. But I would have to ask, where is the proof that you are my Master?"[/color] It may have sounded rude or impudent to some, but he needed to know exactly what sort of Master he was working with. EMIYA knew of the Command Seals on her hands, having glimpsed it as she was raising her hand, but the question he asked would reveal at least a hint of the Master with the answer they gave.