Oliver got dressed slowly. He was supposed to be in charge, so he saw no reason to rush. He picked out a practical but still handsome outfit, and got himself ready for the day ahead. He wanted to look like a real adventurer for when they went to join the guild, but realized he didn't know what a real adventurer looked like around here. He supposed that back when this was just a game, he'd worn whatever had the best stats. He wasn't sure that was still a thing, but supposed that strange attire couldn't be too far out of the question. Eventually he went with comfortable. Once he was dressed, he strapped on his weapons, electing to lug his gigantic sword over one shoulder, rather than sling it on properly. He was just going to breakfast after all. And of course he was late. The only person whose waiting he really cared about was already sitting down. "Morning! Sorry I took so long..." he offered the vampire, noting at the same time that she looked exquisite, as always. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of the woman, wondering how long she'd actually cuddled with him the night before. "What's for breakfast?" he asked the room. He wasn't sure if their glorious leader was already informed, or if it was a surprise. Either way, he was sure it would be delicious, and he prepared to sit down as quickly as he could. First he had to do something with his sword, though, and he couldn't very well hang it off the back of his chair. After a couple of seconds, he gave up and leaned it against the wall closest to his seat before getting settled. He was just in time, too, as the doors to the kitchen were thrown open as he got comfortable. A small parade of servants was whisked in and out, each of them dropping off a single item critical to their leaders' enjoyment of breakfast. Each of them got their own assortment of morning meal accouterments to go with their most important banquet of the day, and Oliver was incredibly excited to watch the covers come off the serving trays. Eggs from barely cooked to over hard, and from plain scrambled to Benedict, a whole variety of breakfast meats, including several things he didn't recognize, bread and bagels in multiple styles, and a platter of neatly diced fruit, and any and all the condiments one could imagine for such a feast. There was no way he could eat even half of it. He supposed he would just have to hope that someone else would be eating breakfast after him. He was about to start helping himself when he realized he hadn't see what Sanguine had for breakfast. He wasn't sure what vampires would even eat for breakfast, so he took a quick peek over the veritable mountain of breakfast to see what she'd been served. He just hoped she found it as delicious as he was convinced that everything in front of him was...