Ansgar would have, if it were not for the mask, helmet, and other protective gear he wore in the relative safety of the Inquisitor's ship, pinched the brow of his nose or some such similar gesture. Sure, his question was going unanswered and, with it, his only attempt to at least get them to stop bickering for a few moments. The Inquisitor's warning would not be hollow, the lot of them should readily realize that things would not end nicely for them should they keep going. But, they were digging their own graves at this point, and the servitor would likely push things well and truly over the edge. Of course, what the Krieger was not ready for was the unusual flashbang that was thrown into the room. He thanked the Emperor on the Holy Throne of Terra that he was wearing his full combat ensemble and was relatively unphased by the weapon employed to incapacitate the retinue outside of him. Part of him wanted to react like they were under hostile assault, but the sane part of his brain prevailed, informing him this was likely on the orders of the Inquisitor. Sure enough, ships forces moved in after the others were incapacitated, utterly ignoring the existence of the Death Korp Grenadier as they went about dragging, rather unceremoniously, each of the others out to Emperor knows where. Well, none of his business really, their utter inability to cooperate pretty much brought that onto themselves. He quietly watched the whole action maneuvering the two psykers and mercenary out of the briefing room, quietly waiting for them all to leave before stepping out of the room and pausing, giving the Inquisitor a swift salute, dropping it after its return, glancing in the direction of where the retinue had been drug off to, their quarters by the looks of things. That was certainly one way to handle things, to be frank, he would have honestly expected summary executions for the lot of them for that kind of conduct on board an Inquisitorial vessel. Well, if there had been a formal Commissariat presence on board at least. He supposed the Inquisitor had a reason for merely incapacitating them. A frag would have not downed him either, but would have been messier and more damaging he supposed. [color=1a7b30]"Ma'am, Celestian. If I recognized that ordinance, they are going to likely have splitting headaches when they come to. Request if there is any new information that would require additional briefing?"[/color] Leave it to a Krieger who just witnessed an infighting retinue getting incapacitated and drug off to merely ask about the mission at hand like nothing happened. He stood at ease, formally at ease at any rate, simply waiting for a response to what was going on in the given situation that required the sudden presence of the Inquisitor and Celestian on the bridge. Granted, if it was on a need to know basis, then he would not press. Operational security and all that, Ansgar understood it far better than one might suspect. Tell the wrong person about a tunnel being dug, and counter mining operations will suddenly be frighteningly more effective, as a rather humble example. He had hinted at his past as an Engineer prior to Grenadier, but he suspected the Inquisitor had access to anything that the Grey Knights, by extension the Ordos Malleus unknowningly to Ansgar, hadn't struck from his records already.