I was surprised at the tone of Trump's acceptance speech. I knew he'd try to be presidential, I just didn't think he'd be so okay at it. [quote=@Vor] I already know Russian, tovarish. You should stop fear mongering so much, Russia ain't gonna conquer Europe, anyone who claims otherwise clearly has no idea how politics works in this part of the world. The big threat right now is coming from Turkey and Erdogan, who's recreating a mini Fourth Reich there. As someone who lives between the US' and Russia's spheres of influence, Trump is probably the better candidate for me, because his foreign policy isn't going to be as aggressive as Hillary's. Thus, less immigrants and regional instability for me. You Americans should have chosen Hillary though. [/quote] Russia did send a warship down the English channel :/ But yeah, I agree on Erdogan to some extent, how the EU has enabled him is disgusting.