[@ADamnFiddle] Her consciousness became light. Golden light bathed the swirling vortex of the summoning circle, and from within the blinding spectacle, a figure clad in white and gold materialized. As if signifying that the figure has awoken, turquoise-colored lines shone from the accessories she wore. An ornate, golden sun-like ornament covered her face almost completely, and to the one that summoned her, only her mouth was clearly visible with that obstruction. An air of royalty surrounded her. Her materialization had been completed. Once more, she had returned upon this world. Residing in a vessel instead of a purely flesh and blood was an inconvenience, but it was a minor one that could be mitigated in some ways if she put some time to it, although it was not a priority now. Something else felt off, however. Despite from outwards she displayed no movements or any changes of expression, inside she was expressing some mild inconveniences. She felt something amiss about herself, something unrelated to her own physical condition. She attempted to figure out what was it, but after several tries of nothing, the woman decided that perhaps she should not think about it, at the very least, not for now. She shifted her attention to the one that summoned her. A youthful magus? Still refusing to show any expressions or saying anything, the woman continued to inspect the nature of the magus. She was seemingly the excitable type, someone that was still full of hope and pride. Perhaps ambitious, but not too much so. Maybe someone extroverted? It was clear that she couldn't just judge her only by silent observation. But what little she knew of her...ah, the girl reminded her of her younger days. A smile formed as she finally decided to address her new Master. [color=fff200]"Come tell me, my child. Are you my Master?" [/color]Ah, it almost felt like aeons since she last spoke to a human being. An attempt for a friendly and caring tone was a way for her to see how she should adjust her speaking tone for this occasion. It might come off robotic for the time being, but she was sure that soon she would get better at it. The existence of the other magi in the room, alongside their summoned servants also made her feel some unease, but part of it was mainly due to her missing a few points regarding why was she summoned here. Ah, something inside of her wished that she was not summoned as a queen. Caster sighed internally as she continued her attempt to still look as regale and charismatic as before, while she continued to await the answer of the magus before her. Perhaps she could be less dull from her attendants? At this rate, the answer would depend on the words that escaped that little mouth of hers. [b]Queen Himiko[/b]