[@Halo] two non candidates? The libertarians had a chance this year to obtain state funding and blew it by putting forward Gary 'what is Aleppo' Johnson. Fuck off. This is democracy in action. The majority won. You don't have to be happy with it, but you know, the world doesn't revolve around you, [i]or[/i] your ideals and we certainly don't have to give leeway to support that. You can't support democracy when your candidate wins but hate it when someone you don't like wins. That's not democracy, that's a cover up. The minority does not come before the majority and it never will. I suggest you suck it up and stop being so damn entitled. Sincerely, a Dutch person that does not wish Hillary 'can't we just drone this guy?' Clinton to start a war with Russia over a no-fly zone in Syria, because he does not want to be drafted to fight Russians.