[color=olive][h2]Richard Montag[/h2][/color] [@GreenGoat] Richard had not needed to wait long for the ritual to take affect and disgorge a plume of concealing smoke that swiftly parted to reveal the form of his Servant. They mutually appraised each other, and the magus could tell that the Heroic Spirit wasn't impressed by what he saw in Richard. Contrary to what may be expected, this greatly pleased the unassuming man who offered his hand in greeting to the man who appeared to be someone from around the 18th century or so, judging by the crisp attire alone. [color=olive]"You would be correct in your assumption. I'll be working with you for the foreseeable future, so please feel free to call me Richard. In a room full of Magi and Servants, calling out for 'Master' would only lead to miscommunication going on, so we may as well get acquainted."[/color] Richard said, head turning to the doorway for a moment. [color=olive]"Perhaps we can converse on our way to the next meeting of ours? The mechanics of your summoning should have been informative in their own right, but I imagine you must have some questions just as I have for you."[/color] Questions like Class and his name, neither of which he would ask when surrounded by so many on lookers. Cooperative they may be, Richard couldn't know if the identity of his Servant would conflict with any other spirits invoked here. After all, those dark motes of light during the ritual had not escaped his notice. [hr] [color=gold][h2]Margarita Reynard[/h2][/color] [@VitaVitaAR] Margarita was suitably stunned by that which she had called down from the Throne of Heroes. Considering her line of work, a battle worn monster hunter would have been a likely candidate, or even one of the crones of legend wielding arcane knowledge over physical might. Yet what greeted her through the veil was neither maiden, matron, or crone, but a child. Adorned in frills and bright colors with an angelic doll clutched close to her breast, Faust was a bundle of energy in a rather cherubic body. Her words came out at a mile a minute, Margarita having a bit of difficulty keeping up, but eventually could discern that whomever she summoned was well informed on their current situation and needn't here Zelretch's explanation once more. [color=gold]"Ah Yes...I am your Master. Call me Margarita or Reynard if you like."[/color] The aged Enforcer said, lowering herself to a knee so as to be level with the chipper child. While she hadn't a clue who this was or how they could qualify as a Servant, Margarita could discern she wasn't any of the knight classes given the exuberance to meet one for the first time. [color=gold]"I don't have any milk, but I was on my way to get some food and I'm certain they'll have some for you. Here, maybe this can tide you over till then."[/color] Then she produced her preserved scone and offered the chocolate chip filled treat to the innocent child before her with a characteristic smile on her painted lips. [color=gold]"Don't forget to share with Gretchen if she wants some, okay?"[/color] [hr] [color=darkviolet][h2]Tamamo No Mae[/h2][/color] [@KoL] A call rang across time and space, drifting through vulpine ears to reach the most magnificent Servant of them all. Her heart fluttered from the contact and drew her attention to the gathering that had already drawn a large number of her kind already. Without hesitation the Heroic Spirit followed and arrived in the mortal world among a motes of light. Before Seyrun was a voluptuous woman of Asian descent, her bizarre blue dress, detached sleeves not withstanding, being enough to draw ones mind to the land of the rising sun if they were to wager on her homeland. Black stockings and sandals adorned her legs with a sash swaying around her waist holding it all together. The ensemble was completed by a large bow in her pink hair, the blue of the fabric serving as the backdrop to vulpine ears that stood ram rod straight atop her head. When Tamamo laid eyes on the Master who called, her bushy tail wagged eagerly behind her. [color=darkviolet]"Rejoice Master, your divine spouse has heard your pleas and come to bestow upon you the truest love this world shall know!"[/color] The Caster greeted without a care for the other persons who would hear the loud proclamation. [color=darkviolet]"With me at your side, we'll blow up all those nasty singularities in no time~!"[/color] Without considering whether or not Seyrun would even accept her newly summoned Servant, Tamamo stepped out of the circle and glued herself to the Magus' side, both arms clutching Seyrun's with inhuman strength to get comfortable beside the girl she'd follow for the rest of her natural life.