[Hider] [center][img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/230/1/c/aerith_gainsborough_flower_field_by_mochi655-d6iog1f.png[/img] [h2]Princess Annaveya IV[/h2] [b][u]Race[/u]:[/b] Gem [b][u]Age[/u]:[/b] 18 [b][u]Element(s[/u]):[/b] [i]Water[/i] [b][u]Height[/u]:[/b] 5'4" [b][u]Bio[/u]:[/b] The King of the Gemminites has had many children in his lifetime, but none quite like Annaveya. She is the fourth daughter of his highness, and so beautiful was she that she was given the name of his grandmother. Like others of royal blood, she was raised in culture, music, song, and lastly a brilliant education. She developed a keen wit, and had a strong sense for the intrigues of politics and the weight that rulers bore upon the people. What she didn't know was that she was destined to bear a similarly horrible weight of her own. On her eighteenth birthday, the day that she would at last be considered an adult by her people, tall armored men stormed the celebration. In a show of ruthless power, the Drakken Noble's court had decided that she would join the bridal candidacy. Whether her mother and father liked it or not, she was to be wed away and taken off to a far away; likely to never be seen again. The carriage rattled and rumbled along the dirt road to her destination, to an unknown and miserable future. It felt as if she were little more than simply property for the ruling Drakken parties, a token of peace in an imbalanced society. Once she arrived however, she found that war had been declared. Not only was she doomed to be a future bride to a likely very barbaric husband, she was also now a hostage at best. Before any more blood was spilled, she desperately needed to find a way to end the war. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] (input here)[/center] [/Hider] Baboom. Here she is! Waiting for acceptance. [quote=@darkwolf687] Do you mean this one? http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79311-delete/char [/quote] Much obliged!