[quote=@Buddha] [@Vilageidiotx] that last point is not a really good one. I find it hypocritical to complain about a candidate when the majority elected them. Hate on them for their policies, but don't fucking hate on them just for winning. That's retarded. And yeah, but see, foreign people have no invested interest in the American electorate no matter what, so venting doesn't even vent anything, it just sounds like you're trying to be interesting by showing a faked political awareness. [/quote] It is a form of hating on their policies though. Liberals aren't sitting here thinking "Oh dear, how horrible we won't get a trophy!" The left is concerned about the policies Trump will inevitably pursue, and since the fact this is going to happen now has hit them all at once last night rather than slowly over the election, they're going to rage a bit. Democracy isn't supposed to be a faith, where everyone gets in line emotionally. It's a way to use this sort of civic engagement to avoid the internal decadence, and dogged poor judgement, of totalitarianism. As Trump would put it, it's to inject "High energy". So long as everyone follows the rules, and so far everyone has, the rage is perfectly natural. For the record I totally thought the rage following Obama's election was silly and manufactured, but I didn't see it as a threat to democracy. If anything it is an important feature. And we are living in a globalized society, so what happens in America will effect others. I mean, you said yourself you wanted Trump to win for reasons pertaining to Russo-European relations. [quote=@Vor] Maybe, just maybe, the DNC should have chosen Bernie or literally anyone that didn't have so much dirt on them instead. [/quote] You see Dems get progressive candidates competing in their primaries from time to time, and if they are too progressive the blue dogs trot out the legacy of McGovern. But really, except for Bill Clinton, centrist Dems have been having a hell of a time. The left needs to stop worrying about McGoverns and start worrying about Gores, or Kerrys, or Hillarys (as the Reps learned with McCain and Romney). We all said Trump was too extreme to win too, but here we are. This might be the new normal. You can't win elections on status quo anymore, you have to offer something now, some real energetic movement that gets people excited to vote. The trend of this year has been anti-establishment, this totally fits in line.