[center][h2][color=a36209]Walgrave[/color][/h2][/center] Post#3 [@ShadowKingman][@Flamelord] [hr] Walgrave nodded softly, his eyes dull and vacuous as his Servant knelt at his feet. [color=a36209]"Yes... I am your, hrrmmmm... Master. Obey me, and partake of my power..."[/color] His whisper trailed off as the finnal compact was made. His magical circuits burned pleasantly as his prana began siphoning away to deny the causality of the world and give this creature strength and life. Walgrave gestured for the mighty spirit to rise, swaying slightly on his feet as the burning sensation in his circus faded. Under his cloak his familiar cockroaches scuttled to and fro in agitation, sensing their masters disquiet. Stiffly, Walgrave made a deep bow of his own as the Heroic Spirit rose before him. Though summoning was not his strong suit, he had lived to long to ignore basic formalities when it came to bargaining with higher powers. [color=a36209]"My name is... ah... W...Walgrave. It has been a long hmmm time since I have entertained... well, anyone. I hope that you find my company suitable for a hrmmm... hero."[/color] [hr] [center][h2][color=fff200]Sinfjotli[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] "Yes, I am... Is there anything you need to say after that?" Sinfjötli's rose to his feet, towering over the girl who had called him into this world he swept his bright helm from his head with a small flourish. It dissolved in a shower of gold and he planted his hands on his hips, gazing down at the small visendakona. She was small and delicate looking, with an odd sleeveless low cut blouse that he somehow knew was not out of place in this age. The grin slowly faded from his face as he saw her nervousness. It was no good if she was a timid worthless person, even if she was skilled seidrist. He looked her up and down critically a few more times, expression neutral, his eyes lingering on the strange amulet she wore on her breast. [color=fff200]"No."[/color] He said eventually, his voice rich and light, but tinted with arrogance. He was not quite sure what to make of her at a glance, her jewelry and delicate features seemed to indicate a noble, but her demeanor lacked the austerity he would have expected from someone of quality blood. Then again, if his knowledge of the current age was anything to go by, fine clothes and jewelry were not the sole domains of nobility any longer. He grimaced internally at that.[color=fff200]"Nothing besides that. So, who are you then? Who is your Father? Your Grandfather?"[/color] He glanced around the chamber briefly, takeing in the bizarre multitude that was emerging out of thin air all around them. [color=fff200]"What are we mustering for?" [/color]