[color=SpringGreen] [center] [h2] Ravel Livoria D’Arby [/h2] [/center] [/color] [@Nanashi Ninanai] She was stunned. The person known as “Ravel D’Arby stopped being able to think for but a moment, captivated by what her own hands had pulled from the “deck”. The Servant wasn’t a Saber like she had hoped to grab. The lady was a beautiful woman who wore the garb of the east. A beautiful thing that looked more like a flower than something for war. Her skin was pale and pretty, her hands hardly showing the strains of the world itself. Something that one would wish to protect and cherish beyond all possible doubt, almost as if a doll. Even without being able to see her face, covered in some sort of ornate headdress of sorts, Ravel felt that like the rest of her body, it would be beautiful. It is better to imagine the monster in a movie. Actually showing the creature indefinitely reduces it’s ability to match the thoughts produced by the audience. A device of “telling, but not showing”. Tantalizing the audience until they are able to piece together some rational thoughts of the creature itself rather than the creature showing. On the individual level, mystery causes intrigue, but perhaps once this superficial layer of intrigue wears off, they learn that they never matched up to their expectations and choose to accept this, or move on. And after but a moment, likely less than that of a second captivated by her beauty, Ravel regained the ability to once again create complex thoughts. [color=springgreen] “Y-Yes. I am Ravel Livoria D’Arby, ma’am! I am the one who had summoned you.” [/color] Simple introduction. Perhaps a bit too simple, but it was likely that Ravel was still captive by her own will. She had wanted a knight classed Servant. She had not gotten one of these, but one could say that Ravel wasn’t disappointed in the slightest. At the very least the visage of a beauty like her Servant would at least denote something great, or so she hoped. Even if she wasn’t up to snuff for this “war”, at the very least Ravel would of had the opportunity to participate. Life was a journey. But there was no doubt that Ravel had drawn the strongest “card”. Even if she hadn’t drawn the class “saber’, her Servant was likely the best Servant. Because they were her own Servant. [color=springgreen] “It is a pleasure to meet you. I hope we can work together to overcome any adversity!” [/color] she said with a simple bow. Hopefully her Servant was someone who she could work with at the very least. If that was the case, she could be happy with that fact. [hr] [center] [color=crimson] [h2] Shinobu Shiratori [/h2] [/color] [/center] [@ShadowKingman] The flash had subsided. “...Eh?” Not what Shinobu had expected. The girl before her was pretty. Her dress wasn’t from the east at all. In fact, Shinobu thought it reminded her of some sort of magical girl anime that she definitely didn’t watch in her youthful high school years. Her appearance was a bit too goofy from what the young magus had originally expected. There was also the glaring fact that the person who Shinobu believed she was going to summon was a male. A Prince, no less. Someone who would be able to take her off her feet and the like. Perhaps not like those western stories, but it wasn’t too farfetched. But that didn’t matter. Shinobu would have to work with what she had been given. Surely the Servant before her was one of great strength. There was not a shred of weakness within Shinobu that she could easily identify. If she had summoned a Servant, it would have to be the greatest Servant. A top class Servant. Perhaps something that would win a standard grail war with ease. That was the sort of mage that Shinobu was. She was a master of Houjitsu. She was a master of Juijitsu. And she was the “Master’ of this servant. [color=crimson] “I am your Master, Shinobu Shiratori” [/color] Simple and concise. [color=crimson] “I am the one who had summoned you. Though I understand that my beauty might captivate you, I assure you that our business is to fight the singularities, and I shall be the one to lead you.” [/color]