[@Beloss] "We're mustering for war, I assume." Amedea looked around the room, finally taking her eyes off of her own servant in order to examine what everyone else had - from exotic eastern shamans to european legends of bizarre clothing, it spoke volumes when the hero she summoned seemed one of the more normal - she supposed the word for it - of them. He at least looked like he came from the 12th century. "We are gathered to do battle against singularities, irregularities, whatever else the Grand Marshal has in store for us." she explained as she turned her attention back towards the heroic spirit. She had regained most of her composure and was much more calm now, especially seeing how nothing had gone wrong so far and all she needed to do now was bring him out for breakfast before awaiting further orders. One step at a time; it would just be like her first day in the Academy. "Theoretically, we are all to band together. In practice, many have gathered here anticipating a war in which their allies to be were their opponents to the death. I hope that, whether it be a knife in the back or an abomination in front of us, you won't have any trouble dealing with it, right..." She paused there, realizing that this was where she was supposed to say his name - which she currently did not know. [i]Shit, I knew I forgot something. And I had it all figured out too. [/i] "Who [i]are[/i] you?" [hr] [@ADamnFiddle] Nezha continued her examination of her master even as she spoke before finally getting out of her personal space and her hand was placed on her hip. The inquisitive, almost critical gaze she had earlier was gone, replaced by a youthful smile. She was glad - she had wondered what kind of person had summoned her; feared it was some sort of greedy, upstart mage or someone who was desperate for something they had no means of attaining by themselves - someone who would go further than most would deem comfortable, acceptable or moral to go. Instead, instead of a mutual killing she was certain she had arrived in a battle of a much more noble nature. And she was perfectly fine with that. [color=aqua]"Hm!"[/color] she nodded in satisfaction. [color=aqua]"Cute, determined, youthful, assured! I like you!"[/color] Giving the Fire-tipped spear a twirl in the air, she slammed it back down on the ground again and raised her free hand towards Shinobu, fingers locked in a "V" position. [color=aqua]"If you're going to lead, then I'll follow you. I'm Prince Nezha, son of the Pagoda-wielding Heavenly King, disciple of Taiyi Zhenren and the subjugator of the dragons of the East Sea, and I accept you as my master!"[/color] Then, pausing for a moment, the servant's smile disappeared and she mused at her master for another moment before adding another line. [color=aqua]"Although you might want to do something about your attitude. While I think being confident and self assured is a good thing, there comes a point where it becomes vanity, you know?"[/color]