[@Halo] I think we both have better things to do. I did not read the initial exchange that related to someone feeling sick and being told to calm down. Your answer explained some things and I reacted too quickly, but I still disagree on some things. I think that, even if your response is not that of hystericality, some of the responses I have seen (online primarily) are rather hysterical. I don't know if they are exaggerating their feelings due to being online, or if they are just jesting, or if they genuinely think Trump is going to line up Mexicans and execute them, but I feel like a lot of people are overestimating just what Trump can and can't do in 1 term. Which is next to nothing meaningful. Another thing I have problems with is that you think that a representative represents people in their entirety rather than politically. I'm quite sure that the average Trump supporter does not feel represented if it were, say, in terms of sexual abuse (whether this happened or not doesn't really matter. I don't find this audio clip of him saying stuff about grabbing women to be too vulgar, and definitely not as bad as some other candidates have had flying around, but that doesn't matter) because they are not sexual abusers. Most likely. They are merely political representatives. Him being chosen representative does not make every supporter a sexual abuser, racist or misogynist. And I am pretty sure that he does not proclaim to be a misogynist either, because being a woman-hater is a quick way to lose an election. So, in that regard, I do not find that to be the representative part. I find the representative part to be, say, his desire to tighten border control. And I can understand that sentiment among the Americans even if I find it to be a strange solution. I find democracy a questionable concept on it's own to be honest so you are probably right in saying that my idea is not how most people want it to be. But, sadly, the concept of being angry/sad/upset after the fact does not appeal to me (which is the whole reason we're having this discussion) because it changes nothing for the next four year - which is why I said people should treat this as a lesson and vote more carefully. And no, I don't think I'd feel too disgusted by Hitler meeting other people in my name. If he was a democratically elected official (in a country that has such a system) that'd just be the way it is. Maybe that's just me, being Dutch, but we are represented by some guy going to the most important meeting in the world hosted in the Hague, on his bloody bicycle. My perception of representation is probably very different from other people. It's just politics to me, he doesn't represent me personally, he represents my countries majority and even then, only their political wishes, not their personal thoughts. If I vote for Trump, I could still disagree with him on the basis that I don't think a wall should be built (for example) and for that reason I find the notion that, again, I see commonly on the internet, that his supporters are racist .. rather unfounded. Some have been racist but the same could be said about any other candidate. Representation is nothing more than a political tool to ensure we don't have a full population in 1 room trying to get a word in. Nothing more, nothing less. Not to me anyway. Hitler was voted in democratically before he democratically abolished the democratic system, by the way. Democracy is very funny like that. Of course, before he did any of the vile things he had done, he was a very charismatic and generally pretty popular dude. Some jews liked him too despite being used as a scapegoat. Most people only tend to get to the point where they deserve to be feared once they have received absolute confirmation that they will not and can not be replaced. Just some background to that particular point that I found interesting. Either way, I thought you meant sick as in a much more exaggerated manner than you actually did. My bad. Thank you for discussing with me regardless. Seeing the other side is good, sometimes, even if I don't agree 100%.