[@Vilageidiotx] Very interesting but I don't think that changes anything about his plans. Now obviously I am not going to pretend that he wrote his own policies because he didn't, and they don't correspond with what he has [i]said[/i] but the policies are decent with some minor things in them that you pointed out (for instance the vacuum created in government work if he does that plan thing.) Now, I don't think he'll be a good president. Not for USA anyway. But I firmly believe that even a moron can sometimes say sensible things. So perhaps some good will come out of this (I doubt it but for me it's already a win because I won't have to sit in a trench around winter to fight Russians). I like how he came to where he is. It shows that he isn't stupid and knows what he is doing. Regardless of how you look at it you have to agree that he is very good at playing the game and very good at seeing the buttons in front of them, and seeing when he should hit what button, and I can sorta admire that, even if it makes him just as bad as any other random candidate. I said it when he first ran for president and I looked into his books a bit - he's very smart, and I'm pretty sure he realizes he's not very talented in any other area other than 'how to make myself look important and earn money while doing it'. :lol