[quote=@Jasonhero] [@Thecrash20] While I am unsure if Noodles wants to be the only one who can officially accept or deny characters, as Co-GM, I feel I am allowed to offer a personal opinion. The CS seems good by me, save for one thing. According to the Canon and likely the case here, most PvP'ers were either arrested or outright killed if they intended to kill other players. As it seems like you have hinted, then your character has killed other players for the heck of it. Meaning that he's likely considered a criminal, and would probably be hunted to be arrested by pretty much every character here if their bios are anything to go off of. As such, I'd like to advise either removing it, or noting that the PvP he engaged in was such things as Duels in which the opponent wasn't killed. (I don't count self defense/attacking criminal groups such as Laughing Coffin exclusively as PvP.) Apologies if I misinterpreted anything. [/quote] Oh no its my fault. I did mean duels. I didn't forget if a player does to many crimes they get marked permanently orange. Ill change it up.