[center][h2][color=fff200]Sinfjotli[/color][/h2][/center] [@ShadowKingman] Post#3 [hr] Berserker frowned, an irritated crease forming on his brow. She hadn't given him the names of her family, and he silently flipped his estimation of her from probable noble to a likely commoner. They said that common women sometimes sold their newborn infants to elves in exchange for tutorship in the seidr arts. As for the rest though... how odd. He did not know much about singularities or any of the other esoteric terms which she had thrown around, but some part of him which had not been there as a mortal was aware, at least partially, of the reason he had been summoned. It was no Ragnarok but it seemed that he had been called upon to protect an endangered cosmos in some capacity. What a strange turn of events... Sinfjotli felt his anger begin to stir. Did the gods think that he would be satisfied if they allowed him this? To accompany a war party of foreign heroes to pacify some minor apocalypse? As if to compensate him for their broken promises? A deep feeling of resentment was building inside him as he scanned the ranks of the other emerging Servants, and it was with effort that he forced this train of thought away and turned back to the one who had summoned him. [color=fff200]"Yes... yes I will have no trouble marching to war with this strange band I think, provided I am adequately compensated of course."[/color] He turned to the forming crowd, looking doubtfully at some of them. There was a bizarre menagerie of warriors and witches from all corners of the globe, some of which looked quite regal, worthy comrades or advisaries, while others... he eyed a posh looking Servant in a victorian suit with distaste. [color=fff200]"And that my dignity is not challenged by those who legend does not compare to my own."[/color] He spotted what appeared to be a child no more than ten, and turned away abruptly. Were the gods insulting him with this? Turning back to his Master, this [color=fff200]"I suppose I owe you my name before you give me yours hm? That's fine. Impudent but fine. I am Servant Berserker, but my real name is Sinfjotli, the Worlds Chosen. You are [i]very[/i] lucky girl." [/color]