[center][url=https://postimg.org/image/4jb1fz2nv/][img]https://s17.postimg.org/9hyjui6gv/Jinpeissignature.png[/img][/url][url=https://postimage.org/app.php][/url][/center] [center][sub]I never expect to see a perfect work from an imperfect man. -Alexander Hamilton[/sub][/center] [center][url=https://postimg.org/image/k5lawlh6t/][img]https://s18.postimg.org/mmx23v13d/jinpei.png[/img][/url][url=https://postimage.org/][/url] [url=https://postimg.org/image/7rwluw8vn/][img]https://s21.postimg.org/603mzzpiv/Jinpei.jpg[/img][/url][url=https://postimage.org/app.php][/url][/center] [color=6ecff6]Appearance:[/color] Jinpei is a small, frail looking boy with long slender limbs and a childish face. His head is rather large in proportion to the rest of his body and round in shape. He has an [url=http://postimg.org/image/42isyuftv/] upturned button nose[/url], a [url=http://postimg.org/image/thhfib4c3/74cf5aa3/]small, thin-lipped mouth[/url], [url=http://postimg.org/image/y7xpz72kx/e640ff07/] flat round ears [/url] and [url=https://postimg.org/image/ot94z4pwt/]large black monolidded eyes[/url]. His hands and feet are large, but like the rest of him rather on the slender side. His hair is black and silky in texture, falling to a little below his chin in neat layers. His bangs have a tendency to fall over his left eye. Jinpei possesses a pair of [url=http://postimg.org/image/5jdgxmh15/]sharp fangs[/url], capable of easily piercing human skin. Jinpei dresses rather formally for a boy his age, preferring dark and neutral colors to brighter shades. His usual attire consists of a white button down shirt, a black sweater vest, a black long tie, black slacks and black dress shoes with grey argyle socks. When inside, he prefers not to wear shoes. Jinpei's posture is stiff and leans a bit to the left, and it can be noticed that he walks with a slight limp. He speaks with a British accent in a voice that is lilted, well-enunciated and clearly prepubescent. [color=6ecff6]Personality:[/color] Jinpei is proper and mature for his age, but he is also curt, stiff and a bit arrogant. He is distrustful of most people, having doubts about the loyalty of even his closest friends. Despite this, he would never betray anyone who trusts him. He is loyal and headstrong, however this also makes him sensitive and easily embarrassed. When upset, he shuts down and refuses to speak, not wanting to seem weak in front of others. He prizes his maturity above all else, and would be humiliated if he were ever treated like the child he is. Jinpei rarely smiles and never laughs unless drunk or otherwise out of his right mind. His rare smiles usually come in the form of curt little smirks, usually prompted by people who amuse his dry sense of humor. Ciel also enjoys riddles, logic puzzles and mind games. Jinpei is not particularly morally sound and will lie, cheat and steal if it gets him what he wants. Despite this, he does have a streak of kindness and is capable of truly caring for others. [color=6ecff6]History:[/color] Not much is known. Police records show that he was born to Yuna and Jiro Sasaki on April the thirty-first in Kurashiki, Japan, but the year of his birth has been erased from records by some unknown cause. About five years ago, both of his parents were found dead in their apartment in Bristol, England. According to police records, the deaths of Yuna nd Jiro Sasaki appeared to be a homicide. Their throats were slashed, and both corpses had a knife in their hands, but the fingerprints on the knives belonged to neither individual nor to their son. Somehow, Jinpei made his way up to this school and applied as a student, stating that he was living in a ward of state, though records of the local ward of state show that this was not true. Where he was actually living at the time he applied to The Academy is a mystery, as is how on earth he made it all the way over here from Bristol. Anyway, this is his first year at this school. So far his mysterious background has become a cold case and is not currently being investigated by police. Given the nature of this school, they haven't really pushed the matter of getting him placed in a ward of state or foster care. They just kind of assumed that he could take care of himself, seeing as he's going to be a child for the rest of his life until he meets his end by whatever means that may be. [color=6ecff6]Metahuman Classification:[/color] Jinpei appears to be a vampire of sorts. Like the vampires of Stoker's lore, he subsists off of human blood and does not age. He is capable of moving at very fast speeds despite his limp, and rather than taking the more stereotypical form of a bat at will, he can take the form of a small grey mouse. In this form, he can easily slip through cracks. Despite being unaging, Jinpei can still die. The following conditions may kill Jinpei -Going without human blood for two weeks or more -Having a wooden stake driven through his chest -Being shot with a silver bullet, or stabbed with a silver blade, even if the wound would normally have been nonfatal. -Being deprived of oxygen for more than five minutes. -Being obliterated by means of explosives or otherwise. In other words, being damaged past the point of repair. Unlike some vampire lore may suggest, Jinpei still needs to breathe oxygen, drink blood regularly, wash, use the bathroom, basically take care of all the same needs a normal human would. He still feels pain and discomfort just like a living human. On top of this, he is cripplingly afraid of holy objects, will not willingly cross running water (Though he can be forced across it) and will not enter any private residence that he has not been invited into. [color=6ecff6] Allergies: [/color] -Pollen -Any food source other than human blood, water and alcohol. Especially allergic to garlic and salt. -Dogs [color=6ecff6]Pre-existing conditions:[/color] -Asthma -A double fracture in his right leg that never healed properly