[center][color=gold][i][h1][u]Ilyona[/u][/h1]Goddess of Sunlight[/i][/color][/center] [hr][hr] The Sun Goddess watched as the other deity trickled in, remaining at her throne and molding her face into various subtle expressions based on who arrived. A number of other emotions bubbled up to her surface, the only ones really of note being that who had sided with War in the rebellion; an aura of gentle awkwardness was around Ilyona for a short time before her resolution returned to her, clutching her scythe tightly with one hand. A strange sense of pride welled up inside of Ilyona, spurred on by memories of slaying the rebellious god herself, ending the war in the heavens. Were such memories always so fondly remembered? Of course, such mental discussion quickly dissipated from her mind when she realized that Zadia was now standing in the room after a dramatic entrance of a crackling ball of pure, hate-driven energy that bathed everything in a deep crimson. Ready to spring into action, her pure knuckles turned even whiter from how hard Ilyona gripped her staff, readying a spell to be casted at the War Daughter. As Zadia spoke, Ilyon felt more than contempt just for her and her so called "plight"; she didn't want the throne to uphold order or even tradition, that bitch just wanted it for herself. Skipping over the formalities of magic, she Ilyona was about to show case her other title, Lady Reaper, to the rest of the gods, no doubt tickling Azo'tet's pickle to some degree. However, with the Guardian stepping into all of this before conflict would rear its head on the sacred hall of the Gods, Ilyona took a deep breath in and sate back down in her throne. A peaceful chat seems to be the best option, wether that was one enforced by the precesne of a being which could probably kill the lot of the already all-powerful beings in the room by breathing in their general direction was up to debate (not really). With more deep breathes, Ilyona felt herself calm down, shooting a look at Okasa to make sure she was okay before moaning at Xsar's terrible puns. Those things were probably more lethal to any form of life than anything Ferrum could forge.