Agarwaen found a tree easily enough, the branches stout and strong. Above him the canopy of leaves taking the worst of the downpour though some did manage to get through, becoming little streams ans constant annoyances from the failing leaves above. The limbs beneath the elf sway gently, far atronger than the wind that strove to move them. On the breeze was carried the laughter of the dwarves as they ifnored the rain and enjoyed their merriment, in true fashion of their kind. For stout and strong were Durin's folk. A mere storm would do little to quell their cheer. But one dwaef moves about the caravan in a march that promised trouble for a theif. Oid found no sign of the large elf or his bar of gold within the wagons half circle, nor did any he ask. If he did ask, they merely stated in various ways and manners that the elf had been about looking for the lonesome lad. Aught than was mystery to them and they were keen to get to their sleep and warmth. A spice merchant would note the Haradim who he sols to ans the elf walking away, slighty quick and with arrow in hand. But none new more lest Oid asked Darcyn and his las. Then he would have been met with gales of laughter and mockery along side the gales of rain. The shelter of thr hedge was scarce protecrion as rain contonued to fall and Lathranien was force to admit something more would be needed. Slipping the trinkets and gold back into the hidden pocket of her tunic she left her bow and arrows behind. For they would do little good against the vegetation that was her current target. Thick leafy branches and pine needles were her prey. The elfling knew a thing or two and went about her way with that born ease of any elf. Assured all were tucked well within tent or wagon on this dreary night. Any who were out would be drunk or too weaey to give notice. Grinning slightly under her hood at the freedom the foul weather granted Lathranien scooped up branches and leaves sorting through what was fit and what was not. Unaware other keen ears might hear or unwelcomed eyes might see. Though she passed a good deal near the tree that houses Agarwaen. Her cloak clamped tight about her and her hood kept the rain from soaking her utterly as she worked. [@Andreyich] [@Vas Khaleen] [@josephb] [@13org] [@Pirouette]