[Center][h1][u]WH40k: Shadow War[/u][/h1] [Img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/1/12/Inquisitorial_Rosette.png/revision/latest?cb=20131227015732[/img] [h2][u]An Inquisition/Dark Heresy RP[/u][/h2][/center] Hail and well met, This will be my first attempt at running a DH RP - one based on the daring do of the Emperor's Inquisition - and also one of the few times that I have ventured into the Casual section at all. I'm here for some fresh blood, and also for some writers up for some underhanded and cloak-and-dagger action in service to the God-Emperor. Players will take the role of acolytes; individuals from many different backgrounds and of varying but useful occupations, all in service to the Inquisitor (myself) and through then the Imperium. I intend for this to be an ever evolving adventure, the choices you make having an affect on what happens and where the RP goes. What I require in this case is a small group (5 or so players) of [b]dedicated[/b] roleplayers that can post [b]at least twice a week[/b] and not simply bail on me quarter of a way through. A decent grasp of English will also be required, and the ability to use it. In this case, initially at least, I'll be using your character application/profile/sheet, as well as RPing history, to determine suitability - please don't get this twisted for elitism or segregation, but past experience may have tinged my views slightly. Now, since you've read this far (assuming you have...), if you have any questions to ask then please ask away! If you're simply interested then feel free to state your interest. Once we get enough interest the OOC thread will be forthcoming. Until then, the Emperor protects.