[@Klomster] My comment was mainly prompted by logistical concerns - given the size of the territory we are acting upon, the chances of a wandering agent spontaneously encountering a wasteland settlement would be comparatively slim (then again, probability [i]could[/i] be nudged ever so slightly in the desired direction...). I figured it would be more plausible if the KR 112 were to perhaps be drawn, even "subconsciously", if you will, by some sort of trail or signal originating from someone's machinery, whether accidentally or not. As said, this was merely a thought of mine, quite possibly incorrect. I suppose my entry was generally somewhat ambiguous due to being poorly worded (I blame haste and fatigue for this) - if no one were to have any more interesting suggestion to make, I would be most open to interacting with the KR 112, or, for that matter, anyone, at any point. I hope this one is comprehensible enough, even though I presently am in an even less optimal state than when I wrote the previous one.