[@DriveEMOut] You could, but it might take awhile for the concept of vengeance to be invented. On that note, here is the CS [center][hider=Creator] (Image, go wild) [i][b]Name:[/b][/i] (Can evolve over time, as well as possible titles) [i][b]Appearance:[/b][/i] (This has more to do with how they choose to appear if you choose to walk among your creations) [i][b]Domains:[/b][/i] (What makes up your being and the areas you have to most influence over, may overlap with other Gods) [i][b]Realm:[/b][/i] (Your little slice of reality, decorate as you see fit) [i][b]Personality:[/b][/i] (How do you interact with your fellow supreme beings? You may not get along all the time, but remember that they are the closest thing you'll get to siblings) [i][b]Demeanor:[/b][/i] (What energy to you give off when interacting with mortals? Do tensions rise and explode or does love blossom and friendships deepen? Your domains should be reflected here as well) [b][i]Favored Subjects:[/i][/b] (The beings that represent you and your power on the mortal plane, can be anything but give it some thought) [/hider][/center] [hr] [center][hider=Manus] [img]http://i.imgur.com/1e7abIi.jpg?1[/img] [i][b]Name: [/b][/i] Manus, First of the Awakened and Craftsman of the Celestial Palace [i][b]Appearance: [/b][/i] An old, gentle man or women known to give wondrous boons to those who deserve them. [i][b]Domains:[/b][/i] Space, Stars, Craftsmanship (Sculpture and Jewelry), Wonder, Kinship, and Platonic Love [i][b]Realm:[/b][/i] The Celestial Palace, a neutral ground for all of Manus' siblings to meet and look over their creations. The Celestial Palace takes the form of a brilliant star-filled sky and gentle clouds of multicolored stardust float about. With a wave of his hand Manus can create windows into the Mortal Plane, gazing at the work that he, his siblings, and others have done. [i][b]Personality:[/b][/i] Manus is ultimately a gentle being, an artist who wishes nothing but love and peace amongst his siblings and their creations. Conflict is not in his nature and should fights break out among his siblings Manus will fall into a deep depression, locking himself away into the deep recesses of the Celestial Palace. [i][b]Demeanor:[/b][/i] Mortals feel younger when around Manus, his air of wonder makes people appreciate their world just a little bit more. Families come together and friends rejoice, enjoying the ties that bind them in family and friendship. Somewhere, a craftsman is inspired. [i][b]Favored Subjects:[/b][/i] To Be Developed [/hider][/center]