[h2]Saving Private Serena, and Hazan, I guess. A collab that was strung together in Miss Jenny's Grade 3 class with macaroni noodles and the efforts of Dervathan, Fallicia, and Zombrian[/h2] Iosif had brought the Kite up at a steady elevation to avoid any obstructions that might've been obscured by the storm. Whilst the shuttle's kinetic shields could've probably taken a tree branch or two, the veteran pilot was willing to take no chances, particularly whilst he was co-ordinating usage of a topographical map with Vellios' trace of Serena's position. It wasn't long before the three occupants of the shuttle were hailed over the comms by a familiar voice, [color=dodgerblue]"Borealis? It's Haze. Serena's unconscious and bleeding out. I'm stabilizing her but we're compromised pretty badly out here. We got made by about three, four smugglers from the camp. I KOed them all but I can't move Serena on my own without risking her life. We need help, ASAP."[/color] Not one to keep his teammates in the dark, the slavic pilot was quick to respond by hailing Haze's omni-tool. [color=steelblue]"Iosif here, I'm en route to your position in the shuttle, but I'll need a clear landing zone if we're going to extract the both of you out. But stay where you are for now, Tanya and Vellios are with me, they'll assist where they can."[/color] "I heard you," Iosif acknowledged as they approached Serena's reported position, making a slow descent as a clearing grew closer. It was a tight spot, the kind that took precise and careful action to touchdown in without running the risk of pulling down the environment with them, but with their window of opportunity growing shorter by the moment there was no wasting time. Soon, Haze could feel the the very force of the shuttle's engines as it made a touchdown in a relatively open spot, the rhythmic pitter-patter of rain pounding against chassis growing louder with each moment. Soon enough the entrance hatch opened to reveal Tanya and Vellios ready and waiting, weapons at the ready, whilst Iosif hailed them over the comms. "On board, now!" The wet, sodden turian stared upwards at the sky as the dropship hovered over his location, its jets blowing all the rainwater away. With Serena's still form in his arms, Hazan waited until the ship was at foot level before hopping on, wordlessly handing her bloodied body over to whoever was present at the loading bay. Before Haze, or anyone else, could say a word, Vellios had taken Serena out of Haze's hands and rushed her back to the shuttle's other end. His talon took a blanket then coiled it into a bundle before his arm shoved it under her head. Immediately, he checked her over to take stock of her damage. His talon checked her pulse then inhaled in relief. Next, he tore off a chunk of fabric to push into the stab wound at her shoulder. He couldn't do any better until they got back to the medical bay back on the Borealis. Gradually, the bitter reality of the knowledge's source slapped him in the mandibles and made a sour taste in his mouth. It was humorous that his knowledge in anatomy became to exist due to his curious nature to become a better killer in order to survive in a hellish ship, but human anatomy lacked greatly because they didn't existence until much later in his life during his war days. He stood still watching Serena breath as he let her rest in his seat, unsure if his knowledge was enough. No sooner than the two were on board and Serena secured, the Kite's engines gave yet another low hum as Iosif shifted it back into a steady ascent, already highlighting the co-ordinates provided by Drono on the cockpit display. [color=steelblue]"Drono, we're en route to your position as we speak, just hold out a little longer."[/color] It was only then that he realized they had another problem coming up. [color=steelblue]"I need a clear sky to throw in support. AA will bring the shuttle down, can you clear us a space?"[/color] [color=cyan]"Scratch that,"[/color] Tanya shouted over the comms. [color=cyan]"Those anti-air batteries are still online, and I'd rather not turn into a thousand tiny pieces from an oversized air burst munition. Find another way to extract."[/color] she said, killing her connection as she moved across the rumbling shuttle's deck where Vellios was attending to Serena. The pain in his expressions was clear, and she knew what it was like to have lost friends. The same fear must have been with him. Tanya placed a hand on his shoulder. [color=cyan]"She'll make it. We'll get her back to the ship and into the medbay. Besides,"[/color] Tanya smiled weakly, looking down at the younger woman. [color=cyan]"Still owe her a chess match. I think she'd face down a field of thresher maws if it meant getting that in."[/color] Vellios had been intently staring at Serena, lost in his own worry and frustration, until Tanya's hand rested on his shoulder. His right talon tightened hastily on his dagger at his hip and flinched, nearly tugging it loose before he realized who approached him. He forced his fingers to relax and release his grip. His visor hid his glossed over expression as he didn't say anything for several moments. A hollow, emotionless tone created through the speakers in the suit.[color=rosybrown]"I shouldn't have left her alone... This always happens."[/color] [color=cyan]"Bit late in the game to have regrets. We're not exactly working behind a desk, people always run the risk of getting hurt doing what we do, and I think that's part of why each of us came back to it. You can't look after her every moment of every day, she chose this life like you did, and I don't think she'll tell you she regrets her decisions."[/color] Tanya said softy, breaking contact and grabbing one of the straps that hung from the ceiling for support. Vellis chuckled in a bitter, dark way at the thought of choice. [color=rosybrown] "No, this isn't the life I would've chosen if we're being honest. It's the only one that makes sense now to me and where I can fluidly exist in without being shot down like a rabid Varren. A fact most Haides survivors face after escaping that damn ship."[/color] Tanya snorted a quiet laugh. [color=cyan]"Sounds like you should be working retail. You've got the right mentality for it."[/color] she teased before her expression sobered up. After a few quiet moments looking down at Serena, she said, [color=cyan]"You know, despite all the shit I've been through, the horrors and losses I've endured... I probably would have still made the same choices, even if I kind of hate myself for it. What Serena went through isn't something I haven't seen a dozen times over in a day. I've been there myself... and I want to say sorry."[/color] she said, chest heaving in a heavy sigh. She shook her head. [color=cyan]"I shouldn't have gone off on you like that, and I'm still pretty pissed about the whole ordeal, but I get it. But what matters now is getting everyone home safe, everything else comes second."[/color] Vellios didn't react beyond shrugging, his mood still soured by the raising pile of shitty events and avoiding Haze. In his mind, despite what Serena would said, he held Haze fully responsible for her condition and her wounds. If she died, there would be little stopping him from considering beating the Turian black and blue if he was lucky. Pushing off the thought, he refocused on Tanya as his sensitivity to others was lost to truth in his words. [color=rosybrown] "I've come to expect people to believe the worst of me. However, when it comes down to your life and trust... I will chose your life every time. Even if you hate me for it."[/color] [color=cyan]"I only assume the worst when I wake up in fuzzy handcuffs. Everything else is fair game. Let's just focus on getting out of here alive, yeah? I'd rather not have our cluster fuck of a second mission involve capping it off with a funeral."[/color] she said, turning away and heading to the cockpit to lend a hand to Iosif. [color=cyan]"So, today sucks. This planet's single handedly ruined tropical vacations for me."[/color] she said, sitting down in the co-pilot seat and buckling in. Iosif couldn't help but push out a bitter chuckle at Tanya's remark. [color=steelblue]"Oh definitely, this is a [i]real[/i] vacation spot."[/color] The cockpit might've been dark, with just the interface to get them any real interior lighting, but one could spot a thin smirk forming across his face. [color=steelblue]"So, how's things between you and the turian? You gonna kiss and make-up or what? Otherwise, living and working with someone you detest is [i]always[/i] going to be a unique experience."[/color]" [color=cyan]"No idea where we stand. A truce, at least. Besides, you're one to talk; we both haven't got into a gunfight with Khosin yet. I don't suppose you figured out forgiveness along the way?"[/color] Tanya replied, feeling like she'd been awake for a hundred years. If that remark had touched upon a sore point with the Slavic pilot, he didn't show it. [color=steelblue]"Different circumstances."[/color] Iosif said, somewhat dismissive in his tone. [color=cyan]"Sure, because Khosin actually hasn't done anything to you yet. You can chew over that while you get us back; we're going to have to get the hell off world before unsavory sorts find the ship."[/color] Tanya remarked, sinking back into her seat, knowing full well that Serena was on a timer.