There are many theories on the internet about my identity. Some say that I’m actually some kind of advanced robot, while other people think I’m some kind of a warrior monk from Tibet. Most of them try to find what kind of creature lies behind this mask, but the thing is, there is only a human. No monsters. No robots. No aliens. A human. Not even a super-powered one. I am simply flesh and blood. I eat. I sleep. I get scared. Here is the big secret: every time I put my mask on, I’m scared. Deadly afraid that I’ll make a mistake, that I’ll punch too hard or my reflexes kick in again. Believe me, with a body trained to kill, trying not to actually become hard. It was the fear far too common for me. And yet, Nucleus told me on my first night as the cape. “It’s okay to be afraid. Because this gives you the opportunity to fight that fear.” Ever since that day, I never stopped to fight the fear. I am Network… and now I’m afraid I’ll fail not only myself, but the closest thing to friendship I have. “Now, before we rush into battle, we need to form a consistent plan. With Polaris and Faust not in the field, I’ll assume the role of the leader.” It was hard to say these words, and even harder to know what I said back then. The truth is, I did fail them all. And I keep failing them. “For now, our priority would be the evacuation of civilians. Riley, your powers are most suited for this task. Fly there and rescue them. You can use your pheromone control, if the need arises.” Good. It’s important to not forget why you fight. Normal people. Maybe, he failed this lesson as well. “Swarm, we need as many eyes around here as possible. Use your bugs to give us an edge, and make sure there will be no surprises. Luxurious, you’re with me.” I let my body assume to so familiar battle stance, feeling my stomach churn at the idea. “We’re going to stale her as long as possible.” Damn, I really wish we had our heavy-hitters with us.