[@Doc Doctor] Yeah, I haven't spoken to Lionel in a [i]really[/i] long time, but when he realized I was writing a lot of very complex esoteric/metaphysical concepts he added me onto the IM for a while, then we more or less just lost contact. We only spoke a couple of times, but it was pretty in-depth. After I found out about his work, I realized most people were treating it like a 'Squirrel Girl' level joke rather than as a serious setting. I have no idea how people will take to my work, but I honestly don't care what other people think in general. If you're interested, I'll keep you up to date on the state of my project. Concerning you last comment about omnipotence; I'll toss you a pretty heavy spoiler about my setting if you like, but only over PM. Hit me up with a PM if you want to know.