He couldn't hear the first words she said, her voice muffled against his shirt as she held him, his lips leaving the top of her head. However, the second statement gave Jaspin a moment of pause, his weak and tired taking a second a understand what she might. As it clicked in his mind he opened his mouth to tell her no. It seemed to late though, Elizabeth had made up his mind for him, the feel of her fangs sinking into his neck, her neck pulling him closer to her. The bite hurt, this wasn't the first time she had bitten him but this time, this time hurt more than the others. Almost as if she sunk her fangs deeper into his skin. It caused him to shut his eyes and breathe in a painful gasp, the air even made his chest hurt as well. In his already weakened state, for could feel his body repulse at the pain, feel what was left of his engery being pulled out of his body. Then almost as painful as the bitten itself, he could feel Elizabeth fangs pull out of his skin. Before Jaspin even had a chance to gather his bearings her arms wrapped around him like a vise, he first instinct was to try to weakly push her arms away from him. As if he could. Jaspin frowned as she whispered to him, the same words he had once said to her, but this was different. How? How was he going to be alright? He didn't want this, he didn't want to life forever. Even if he wasn't a horrible man. Jaspin still had his own regrets, and even if he didn't wish to die already, he always that death could and would be his release one day. Now that was stripped from him. "I told you no." His voice barley a weak whisper. His arms came to plus for a moment as he started to feel it, the pain from the from being bitten having blocked it out for a few moments, and couldn't the sound of pain that came from him as his hand wen to his neck. Now he could feel it, the vemon she had placed in his body, he come for it as it spread through his veins. A sharp digging pain as if cut from a sword, yet it didn't stop as it spread, a sword stabbed into you, digging deeper and deeper and it was slowly dragged down his vein. Mixed with a burning pluse, as if someone had lit him on fire from the inside out. Slowly it made it way down to his chest, his weak heart skipping a beat, before starting to pick up its pace, beating faster and faster to spread the vemon. Jaspin couldn't help his humanly nature to panic, his fight or flight instinct kicking in, as his arms tried weakly to pull free from Elizabeth's grasp, using all the strength he still had left to try and break free. He just wanted go, why wouldn't she let him go?! Maybe he could get help, in the village. They could fix, take the vemon out. Even though he knew that was utterly moronic, he didn't care he didn't want this. It wasn't her place, it wasn't her place to decide this! To take the small amount of joy he had with her and ruin it. To force him to become what she was. He had trusted Elizabeth, and she used it against him to get what she wanted. Jaspin had barely heard what she said next, and though it should have brought him relive it didn't. How could she tell him it was going to be alright when she, the woman he loved was putting him through this torture? His breathing was quickening now, forced by the raid heartbeat, until he couldn't breathe. His arms starting to stop pushing against hers, as he painfully started grasping for air. "Elizabeth, help." He barely managed to grasp out. Despite all the anger he felt at her, his couldn't help but feel frightened of all things, his own cowardly fear and pride being the reason he said no. He didn't know why he even asked for her help, but she was the only person he had left, and he couldn't have the need to call for her help. Soon his body reacting to the pain and quickened heartbeat, almost shut itself down. Yet Jaspin wasn't lucky enough to passout, his body going into shock as he went limp in Elizabeth's arms. He was still able to feel it though, the pain, almost neverending. A few times he could feel his mind start to let him pass out in the pain, and then a new part of his body would start to burn and ache, bringing him back to his senses. He could feel the things outside of his body too, Elizabeth picking him up and moving him, the soft fabric that he knew was their bed. He could hear the words she spoke to him, the sound of the town around them moving, breathing, and talking something he had never heard from their room before. He laid there in pain dying for hours it seemed, every time the pain would numb someplace it would pick back another. The other sign he was still alive being the slight twich of parts of his body or small whimpering sounds when the pain got to extreme. Then suddenly, it was done. All gone. The pain the breathing the pain of his heart pounding to hard for him to breathe. The darkness surrounding him wasn't that of his eyelids but a dark room, a light shining at the far corner. So this was it then? He was dead? His foot took a step towards the light before something pulled him back to life. A loud gasp leaving his lips as his eyes opened to see the ceiling of their bedroom.