[@Cherrywitch] Okee so just a few little things to fix and sorry for pointing them out! 1) err...small faster healing from major wounds I'll allow but letting you have small healing from the get go when we have a healer...yeah...I mean you can keep it as a user ability go ahead lol but wanted to point it out 2) foxfire will be lesser foxfire if anything plus the minor healing others ability sorry 3) what's your Catalyst for your Spirit? We all have one (mine is Omani's journal for example) 4) so level one for your Hybdrid spirit will look like that...so can you provide what will happen ignore he goes into Level 2 User form in the future? You can PM me if you want about it Other than that, it seems legit and acceptable! Just minor fixes if anything and thanks again for applying! Will be on legit later today cuz on my phone right now EDIT: oh yeah and you get a cookie