[h1] [color=Fuchsia] [center] Katya [/center] [/color] [/h1] [hr] The ceremony was a long dull affaire for Katya. Who was made to stand in the thick of the crowd for it. Not paying attention to a good part of Colonel Cain made a speech. Katya finding that as the Colonel praised the actions of those that fought in Troas. Painting them as hero while the rest of the Sigma was all but forgotten about. She understood why, given Ritsu's comment when she was organizing them and that the Joppa battle was just an utter mess. If the people exactly knew what happened during the battle it was be understandable they'd be upset. That, however didn't make feel better. The young woman finding she didn't like that while one part of the squad was praised, the other part tucked away out of sight. Like a dirty little secret. They had all fought hard and she thought everyone deserved a little recognition for that. Even if was just a very basic acknowledgement Even as Cain started to give out commendations and other things. Katya was surprised to hear her name called out as Cain mentioned her increase in rank. Although she didn't move from her spot from deep within the crowd. She couldn't help but feel a little happy. Even if she was still pretty annoyed by the Colonels speech. As the ceremony came to a close, Katya was pleased as she quickly slipped out of the crowd. Finding herself to be very uncomfortable by the end, being in among so many people. She didn't know other people did it. Maybe it was something one just had to adjust to. Never in her life had she been near so many people. Regardless Katya hoped she wouldn't be shoved into a crowd that large for a long time. Now free of the crowd Katya breathe a sigh of relief. Thinking now she wanted to be somewhere isolated so what better place than a simulator pod. She had already planned to log sometime in the simulator. Given in the days leading up the ceremony Caretaker had been issued new drones. Which had pleased Katya, as the new Drones required Caretakers drone hanger to be modified to accommodate them. Being larger than the Eden drones the claps just needed to be adjusted and have the new drone’s schematics uploaded. Nothing too hard, just time consuming. It providing a good distraction from the negative thoughts Katya still found drifted around in her mind. Every so often Katya couldn't help but think of the what I did this instead about the Joppa battle. She still blamed herself for Elora being captured, but Katya was starting to accept there was simply nothing she could have done to stop it. Even if that realization gave her little comfort. Making her way over to the where the simulator was kept. Her mind replying the Cains speech, well the part that involved her being promoted. Katya was unsure what that meant. Minus that she was no long a mere cadet. It made her wonder what the old man was planning. Katya pretty confident it what it meant, but she'd prefer to hear it from him, or the newly promoted captain. For the moment, it was filed away as unimportant. Katya sure next time the squad had meeting everything would made clear. For now, thought Katya planned to get a little simulator time in. Unfamiliar with her new drones she wanted to run thought a few simulations to get a basic feel for them work out a few different ways she could deploy them effectively. So, come next battle she wasn't having to work it out on the fly. Having planned this since she awoke Katya had been wearing her plug suit under her normal uniform, long before the ceremony started. Having planned to sneak a quite round in the simulator before it started. Arriving at the simulators Katya quickly spotted Zim and Roger. Katya looking at them both for a moment before claiming the pod next to Roger. [color=Fuchsia] “Hi guys. That ceremony was a rather long and dull affaire don't you think? I'm surprised to see you here Roger. Couldn't handle the adoring public? Can't say I blame you. Either way congratulations." [/color] Katya spoke, as she started to remove her uniform revealing the plug suit underneath. Katya having little care of how it may have looked when she started to remove her uniform.