"Fili", one of them says. He was the blonde, with sections of his hair braided in some places, along with a matching facial beard and mustache. By the looks of their physicality, the blonde was possibly the older one of the two. "At your service", Fili kept himself reserved and composed in his posture, right after he bowed in unison with his younger sibling. He kept himself tall and quiet, while his brother (excitedly) did the talking. "It seems we're not late, little brother", Fili recalled as he observed Dwalin and Balin in the distance, behind the Hobbit before them. And with that, they brushed themselves passed Bilbo, as if they owned the place. "Careful with these, I just had them sharpened", he told the Hobbit before placing their weapons in his hands, including the blades he kept hidden in his person. As the first-born, and an idol, Fili always had a reputation to be weapon-ready, even if it means to protect his little brother at all costs.