[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/t4v2oaK.jpg[/img] [i]Sburb delta! A new game on the market, said to compete with games like the Sims, could it really dominate the market as it's predicted to?[/i] The headline of a gaming magazine reads, though you believe that it's not going to be that much fun. Your friends are really badgering you about it though, so it's probably about as fun as reviewers are saying it is. So, why not try it?[/center] [center][b][i]An unlikely quartet comes together to create a new universe.[/i][/b][/center] Hello and welcome to the Trashfestâ„¢ where we fangirl over post-canon content in the OOC whilst developing amazing characters! Basic site rules apply, there's a direct plotline that I'm hoping to follow, so please don't try to derail it. Respect eachother in the OOC as well, because that's all I'm really working for here, sound good? [hider=CS] Basic Information: Name: Species: Gender: Age: Derse or Prospit?: Fetch Modus: Strife Specibus: Weapon: Game Entry Item: (John's apple, Dave's egg, etc) Sprite: (Prototypes, pre- or post-entry, and final form) Exile: (Their name and function pre- and post-exile) Server Player: Client Player: Title: _____ of _____ Active or Passive?: Medium: Land of ____ and ____ Denizen: Eye Color: Hair Color: Skin Tone: Symbol: (Describe its appearance and how you thought of it) Guardian: Pets: Other family: (Eg, Jade's grandfather.) Home: (Appearance and general location) Chumhandle: Typing style: Sexuality: Relationship status: General Appearance: Do they need to wear glasses or contacts?: If yes, are they nearsighted or farsighted?: They should wear their glasses, but do they always?: Weight: Height: Notable features: Hair: Disabilities/Health Concerns: Favorites and Least Favorites: Color: Music: Movie: Book: Food: Clothing: Prized possession(s): Alchemized item(s): Other likes/dislikes: Personality: Biggest goal: Greatest fear: Darkest secret: Does anyone know?: If yes, how did they find out?: Greatest strength: Greatest weakness: Greatest accomplishment: Biggest regret: Are they more aggressive, assertive, or passive?: Are they emotional or stoic?: Which do they trust more, their head or their heart?: Are they an introvert or extrovert?: [/hider] (4/4 SPOTS)