"Their leader?" Bilbo seemed only capable of asking questions. One of the dwarves happened by with his prized tomatoes, and instinctively he snatched them away. "No, no. Put that back," he scolded a dwarf with hair resembling the coloring of a skunk, and instead of a response, he was given complete gibberish in return. The chair he'd been carrying was not put back, rather he carried it along to put into the dining area. Too much was happening, too much was being said, and no answers had been given to him. Bilbo's patience was wearing very thin, and he clenched his hands into fists as he prepared himself for a heated rant. "They pillaged the pantry. I'm not even going to tell you what they've done to the bathroom, they all but destroyed the plumbing." The hobbit made his dissatisfaction known, and in vain he tried to put things away that had been misplaced. "I don't understand; what are they doing in my house?" "Mister Boggins! Where do you keep your tankards?" Kili entered the room as if he'd lived there his entire life; he didn't seem quite shy. "Or do you drink from bowls?" The question was quite serious, though to Bilbo he felt that Kili was poking fun at him. "They are in the cupboard," the hobbit snapped, though Kili barely heard him, he was too busy looking to Gandalf in wonderment. This was Gandalf the Grey, and he had heard plenty of tales about him. "Kili! Hurry up, lad!" Dwalin bellowed from the adjoining room, and the youngest turned to leave, though he could not help but notice the lone figure near the fire. This was definitely not a hobbit, nor a dwarf. She was too tall for that. Who was this, and why did he feel that he'd known her? For once, Kili was not quite as bold as he may have been. Normally, he might approach and ask for himself, but he was a touch intimidated, though completely curious.