So, I was thinking about this. There's already a team of young supers working with the Guardians (headed by Felitrix and Gravitron's son, Ken, about four years older than us, so they'd be twenty to twenty two year olds). Any thoughts as to how that would affect our own team? I mean, would we be competing with them, or would they just be in a class of their own? They would probably be composed of five or six people, like the Dragoonslayers, but would be down a member (Arsen was a founding member of their team and got brainwashed by Zondervan maybe a year ago). Seems like some of us are itching for something to occupy our free time anyway ([@Raijinslayer], [@Tengri], and myself, especially, but everyone's welcome, including [@Joshie] if you'd like to explore this little universe from a different perspective), would there be any interest in putting together some characters for this team, that no doubt could show up to interact with our own main characters, and do a mini-series exploring the last few years and it's conflicts? Fill in some of the background for why things have become the way they are, you know? If it’s cool with [@Joshie] of course. I’d want to play it in maybe four little chapters, and start with how the team formed (that way we’d skip having to fill out the questions of how we came together, and just let it get filled in organically during the first roleplay), then skip ahead a year maybe to some important event, then another year and another event, culminating in what they were doing while the main cast were fighting Dragoon. I'd aim for getting it up and running by Monday, having a post a day and maybe a week per chapter, finishing in about a month, when if Joshie wanted they could show up in some crossover thing between them and our little group, obviously as NPCs, while we did some job requiring more firepower than our team could handle or that specifically needed us to cross over with them, for whatever reason. Ken and Arsen would either be NPCs or someone could volunteer to play one or the other, though considering I'd be aiming for five or six teammates and don't think we'd get our full roster of players onboard (though everyone's welcome, of course) it might be better off with them being NPCs. I dunno, just a thought, but I think it might be interesting, kill some time, you know?