Working on a post for this one now. Rolling for powers is only necessary if their actions matter to the story, right? If I use her psychic constructs to do stuff that isn't really that interesting or story-driving, for example. Asking because unleashing powers is a thing, but there's something, at least in one of the earlier drafts of the game, that said it wasn't necessary unless they were pushing the limits of their powers (like one would in combat) or something. Don't remember the exact wording, and don't feel like looking it up. EDIT: Oh hey. Still in there. "This move is for those situations when you do something intense with your powers, and we’re not sure how it’ll go, or if you can even pull it off." So that whole thing doesn't matter anymore. I'd be okay with that idea, though, with the separate RP. New question: what day of the week is it in-game right now? And is it a school day? What time of day is it?