Gandalf the Grey couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the Hobbit. Although he did promise the dwarves a place where they could dine, and meet up. It just wasn't entirely up to him. He had to at least keep their hopes high. But upon noticing the young dwarf take a glance at Saeril in curiousity, Gandalf knew for a fact that sooner or later, he would introduce him and his brother to their "second mother" soon. "Why don't you go say hello?", he asked Kili, right after he heard the call of Dwalin from the dining room. "Don't worry. I will handle the set-up", the wizard kindly placed a hand to the young dwarf's shoulder before giving a wink, and moving off to help with the rest of his dwarven companions. Saeril was just staring at the hearth of the fire with a glare of guilt and a hint of sadness. She knew she couldn't get too close to the others; even if she did out of nowhere. Unfortunately, only Fili, Kili, Dwalin, and Balin haven't seen her come in, and would be deep-down terrified of her deformity. But hopefully, Gandalf will get them to understand.