[color=9e0b0f]"Holy..." [/color]Vala managed to say just before the grenade went off and all her senses went into overdrive for a few moments and finally she was out cold on the floor. Luckily for hte guardsmen who had to carry her over, she wasn't overly giant and hard to carry. With her average height, the were going to have a easy time getting her from the meeting room to her quarters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unspecified time later. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=9e0b0f]"I'm going to kill that flat as plank bitch..."[/color] Vala groaned in pain as she stated to wake up from her forced unconciousness state. Her head was beating like she had a pair of Adeptus Astartes shooting heavy bolters in her head. She looked around painfully to confirm that indeed she was in her room. That...was...good. With a pained struggle stood up, walking over to the tiny bathroom of her quarter, but not before pulling a small box from one of her pockets. From it she took a few pills that she quickly swallowed with some water from the tiny sink. Those were going to help with her headache, but until then she had no plans to leave her room. Instead swaying left and right she manged to move over to her workbench where she took a seat on her chair and slowly started to work on her new weapons. The parts indeed had been delivered as the Inquisitor said so at least she was able to continue her work of assembling her new prototype heavy artilery sniper lasrifle. This thing was going to be a beast once completed! She actually started making it specifically to take down heavily armored targets like Space Marines and she hoped she'd manage to finish it by the time they land. Sadly with the headache that she was suffering form right now, that probably wasn't going to happen.