The collisions of the clumps, while entertaining, didn't seem to be as receptive to Manus' power as the lights. It didn't bother Manus all that much, in fact he found the challenge exciting. However the fact that they seemed to just collide with one another aimlessly felt off, they needed a focus. Summoning a light from within, Manus forced a surge of power into the light. It was a tricky business, the light kept wanting to explode instead of staying in a sphere like he wanted. The sphere flared several times but Manus found that when he used his hands to keep the light in shape it became far more stable. In time the small light grew until it was large enough to fill the palm of his hand, it was beautiful. The sphere was bigger and brighter than any light Manus had made before, it's power visible as small ropes of energy escaped its shape. [i][color=a187be]"Marvelous."[/color][/i] The words of Oxnus met Manus just then, giving him pause. It took him awhile to realize that he didn't know, up to this point Manus had been creating just because he could. [i][color=a187be]"I...I don't know. I hadn't put much thought to it really."[/color][/i]