Well, triple posting I suppose. Questions, comments, concerns on the NPCs are welcome. [hider=Ken/Australis][center][IMG]http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/6001877/391full-anthony-gastelier.jpg[/IMG] "[I]Well here we go again, you've found yourself a friend that knows you well, but no matter what you do you'll always feel as though you tripped and fell. When you have completed what you thought you had to do, and your blood's depleted to the point of stable glue. Then you'll get along,[/I]" [/center] [b]Legacy Name[/b]: Epsilon Leonis. [b]Hero Name[/b]: Ras Elased Australis. [b]Real Name[/b]: Kenneth Simon Poole. [b]Look[/b]: Man, White, School Uniform, Traditional Costume, Letter Insignia. [b]Abilities[/b]: Super Strength, Invincibility, Super Senses. [b]Labels[/b] Danger -1 Freak 0 Savior +2 Superior 0 Mundane +2 Conditions ❑ Afraid (-2 to directly engage a threat) ❑ Angry (-2 to comfort or support or pierce the mask) ❑ Guilty (-2 to provoke someone or assess the situation) ❑ Hopeless (-2 to unleash your powers) ❑ Insecure (-2 to defend someone or reject others’ influence) Backstory [b]When did you officially become a part of your legacy? [/b] I always thought my dad was an alien. He looks human enough, but he never did socialize well with other people. Does things kinda wrong, always seems like he’s watching people trying to figure out what they want him to do, how he’s supposed to act. Mom keeps him on a pretty tight leash, which I guess seemed normal until I was like nine. He was just a little off, of course he needed to be kept by her. He didn’t have buddies. He talked with the rest of their, “special, close friends,” the Guardians by a name more palatable to us kids, but he never seemed very close to anyone except my mom. They weren’t really the types to talk about their powers with me and Aster, didn’t even tell us who they were ‘till I was fourteen and I wasn’t supposed to say anything to her. I did anyway. I mean, I was excited and scared, how often do you learn that your parents are the most famous super heroes in Halcyon City, and so I told her. She kept it secret, pretended like she was shocked when they finally told her a year ago. [b]What’s the greatest accomplishment of your legacy? [/b] Founding the Guardians, probably. I mean, they’ve put away a lot of bad guys, but the Guardians are a legacy within a legacy. They changed the game in Supers. We weren’t just running around individually trying to root out evil anymore. Now there was a central hub that could collect and distribute information, provide funds to those supers who needed them for projects, deliver communications between different groups, and keep everyone on one page. [b]How does the public perceive your legacy? [/b] Every kid wants to dress up as Felitrix or Gravitron for Halloween, me and my sister included, before we figured out who our parents were anyway. They’re the grade a, gold standard of what being super heroes is. Other legacies, other heroes grade themselves by how close they come to matching them. [b]How does your legacy tie into your reasons for being a hero?[/b] I always wanted to be a fireman. Like, even beyond that little kid wanting to be a fireman phase, I really got into it. I had this friend in elementary school whose dad was a fireman. Went to school one day, there was a lot of fuss, something was just wrong. We were six and seven and even we could tell. The big kids told us there was a plane crash. My friend went home that day, and all that was left of his dad was a hurried, garbled call on the answering machine. Everyone in Halcyon knew someone who died that day, you know? So me and Tommy decided we would grow up and be firemen, like his dad. I guess being a super hero is just as good, and I’m not the type to question how the cards fall, but maybe I’ll go to school and be a fireman as a day job anyway. [b]Why do you care about the team? [/b] Me and Tal have been friends since we were kids. She’s always been there for me, and I’ve always been there for her. Mom kinda took her in after her aunt died, we learned later, together, that it was because she was going to be the next Cassiopeia. Her and me, Warbird, Alex Hathaway, Andrea Faust, Aster, are basically the kid Guardians, according to mom and Savannah anyway, but I don’t see any reason my team aren’t just as good as any of them. When our team first came together... All things considered, we did well and impressed an established hero. Who was it? [b]Relationships[/b] You once got caught doing something that shames your legacy with ______________. You trust ______________ and told them an important secret of your legacy. [b]Influence [/b] You’re a part of this team, for better or worse, and you care what they think. Give Influence to all of your teammates. [b]Legacy Moves[/b] ❑ Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe. ❑ I know what I am: Once per scene, when you defend a teammate you can shift Savior up and another Label down in addition to any other benefits from the move, even on a miss. If you do, add 1 Team to the pool. [b]Legacy [/b] Jan Poole (Gravitron) is still active and prominent in the city. Simon Roth (Zosma) is retired and quite judgmental. Aster Poole (Denebola) is the next possible member of your legacy. Doctor Tyrell de Wolff van Rijn (Doctor Zondervan) is the greatest opponent your legacy ever faced...and is still at large. Whenever time passes, roll + Savior to see how the members of your legacy feel or react to your most recent exploits. Before rolling, ask the other players to answer these questions about your performance. Take -1 to the roll for each “no” answer: - have you been upholding the traditions of your legacy? - have you maintained the image of your legacy? - have you made the other members of your legacy proud? On a hit, one of them offers you meaningful encouragement, an opportunity, or an advantage. On a 7-9, another is upset with your most recent actions, and will make their displeasure known. On a miss, something you did stirred up the hornet’s nest—expect several members of your legacy to meddle with your life. [b]Team Moves[/b] When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, tell them whether you see them as an equal. If you do, give them Influence over you and mark potential. If you don’t, shift Superior up and any other Label down. When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, tell them a secret about your legacy (including your own true feelings about it) to clear a condition and give them Influence over you. POTENTIAL >>>>❑ >>>>❑ >>>>❑ >>>>❑ >>>>❑ Every time you roll a miss on a move, mark potential. [b]Advancement[/b] When you fill your potential track, you advance. Choose from the list below. ❑ Take another move from your playbook ❑ Take another move from your playbook ❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Someone permanently loses Influence over you; add +1 to a Label ❑ Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and add +1 to a Label ❑ Unlock your Moment of Truth ❑ Take a Sanctuary from the Doomed playbook ❑ Unlock the remaining two powers of your suite When you’ve taken five advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below. ❑ Unlock your Moment of Truth after you’ve used it once ❑ Change playbooks ❑ Take an adult move ❑ Take an adult move ❑ Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of your choice ❑ Retire from the life or become a paragon of the city[/hider]