[quote=@Ermine] [@Liliya] So...our demon bugs. How are we doing this? Sulfur-smelling stinkbugs the size of trucks with fire breath? "It's not like we have to smell it up here, right?" I'll just have to wait until I have a "short sheet" so I can make my 4th wall breaker. Dun know where I'm going with her (or if it'll even be a "her" at all) yet... [/quote] Well, as to the bugs, I'm leaving it completely up to you. ^^ Alex has no idea what demon bugs would look like, and would just hand the phone off to Andrea to pop 'em up for our friends in the holo room. So, just so everyone's aware, I'm not actually providing any special sheets for players to use. Literally, just use the normal sheets, answer a sentence or two per bio question, and put nothing down for the, "how our team came together/relationship," questions.