Slowly, her form began to change as it mimicked her new creations. Eshe watched as her siblings began to use her creations and make their own forms, adding each one to a bigger piece. She felt warmth spread around her as she touched a tiny piece as it was reformed. There was more to be done. Without thinking, she had willed a fairly sized one toward her. [quote=@Queentze][color=fff200]"What do you call it? Or is it not finished yet? What are you trying to make?"[/color] He asked questions after question like a curious child. [/quote] Each question from the new force had touched her. There was something to become of her ideas, something she felt she knew of well. [color=fdc68a]" It will be named,"[/color] she spoke, caressing the work of her and her siblings. [color=fdc68a]"Not by us, something..."[/color] Ideas began to sprout in her mind of what it would become. A surge of her warmth transferred onto its surface, foreign things abruptly growing upon it. She let it go, surprised by the reaction and held it once more. Masses of the living things covered upon its form, brimming excitement within Eshe. But her feelings would falter as without her influence, her new creations would rot. She looked to Manus and saw great power within the new work he had made. Eshe placed it carefully near it, high in hopes for it to try to survive.