[hider=Warbird] [b]Hero Name:[/b] Warbird. [b]Real Name:[/b] Anne Norton [b]Look:[/b] Woman, White, Lean Body, Casual Clothes, Simple Costume [b]Shared Ability:[/b] Detective Skills [b]Your Own Ability:[/b] Stealth [b]Your Mentor’s Ability:[/b] Intimidation and Fear [b]Mentor:[/b] Embodies Superior. Denies Mundane. [b]Labels: [/b] Danger -1 Freak 0 Savior +1 Superior +2 Mundane +1 [b]Conditions[/b] ❑ Afraid (-2 to directly engage a threat) ❑ Angry (-2 to comfort or support or pierce the mask) ❑ Guilty (-2 to provoke someone or assess the situation) ❑ Hopeless (-2 to unleash your powers) ❑ Insecure (-2 to defend someone or reject others’ influence) [b]Backstory.[/b] [b]How did you first meet you mentor?[/b] It’s quite a question. Honestly, how did I do this? Because my mentor is also my older sister, that’s how. I knew her my whole life, nearly worshipped her my whole life. When they, my parents, left, my sister became my best friend. Because she was there for me. Because she was one that kept me pushing through the day. Because without her, I would’ve accomplished nothing. I own a lot of things to her. And if she believes that dressing into suits and punching criminals is the right thing to do, who am I to judge? Besides, sounds like one hell of a family fun time, isn’t it? [b]When and why did you choose to train with them?[/b] Well, to tell the truth, I never wanted to become a hero. Not originally. Of course, I wanted to change the world, to make a difference, but I was thinking about becoming a policeman, like my brother-in-law. And then, everything went down south. My sister lost her husband in an explosion and decided to travel a bit, to clear her mind. When she returned, everything became different. [b]Why did they agree to train you?[/b] Oh, but she didn’t. I made her agree. You should’ve seen her face when I came her and asked to become her partner. At first, she was in denial. “Don’t be silly. I’m not Nucleus.” Hah. Funny story. But then, after I got her to agree with me, she turned me down. Instantly. I wasn’t ready. I had no training to speak of, no experience in the field. So I said. “Train me, then. Let’s see what’ll happen.” Who else, outside of the team, knows about your training? Nucleus. Duh. The Guardians know. It’s not a big secret, you know? If somebody asks, I tell them. To a reasonable amount, of course. [b]Why do you care about the team?[/b] Why should I not? They’re awesome! I mean, because we are together… No, that doesn’t sound right. When people with talents, diverse people with different talents, gather together, they can create something great. That’s what I’m talking about. [b]Protégé Moves:[/b] [b]Heroic tradition[/b]: When you give someone the advice that you think your mentor would give, you can roll + the Label your mentor embodies to comfort or support someone, instead of rolling + Mundane. [b]Venting frustration:[/b] When you directly engage while you are Angry, you can roll + the Label your mentor denies and clear Angry. [b]Fireside chat:[/b] When you seek advice from your mentor, roll + the Label they embody. On a hit they will tell you what to do. On a 10+, mark potential if you follow their advice, and take +1 ongoing to follow through. On a 7-9, you get +1 forward to see it through if you do it their way. On a miss, they don’t have time for you because something big has gone down; mark a condition, GM’s choice. [b]Mentor’s Resources:[/b] A Hidden Base, A Supercomputer, Communicators. [/hider]